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Here come the Zig Forums PhD.s who know more than millions of scientists.


The people who get mad about the duality between Science and Religion i've found arn't very good scientists, haven't contributed anything substantial to the field, and their internal demons waste precious glucose upon the ATP Synthase turbines, wasting clicks on their clocks solving problems that don't need to be solve and trying to further prove things that don't matter one way or the other.

Putting Jesus Christ as a giant roll of Duct-Tape for all those un-answerable questions as to: "What is our relationship to the process that recreates this universe that creates us, and is my body fundamental to the turnover of the unit, or are we a waste byproduct?"

A fool sins when he tries to run a race he is not equipped to compete in. You must be able to bring your consciousness both to full silence and comfort with the way things are, and also be able to bring the throttle to full at whatever job is presented to you.

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experts are wrong

> 2008 crisis
> covid 19
trust the experts

>When my appeal to authority has no value i automatically appeal to popularity

Scientists mostly don't give a fuck about religion because they know it's silly. The same way they don't have to pretend what happened on Sesame Street or Fox today was news.

Of the maybe 1500 scientists who are responsible for the miracles of technology you see looking around you were for the most part Monotheistic Protistant or Catholic/Christian and to a lesser extent Judah-descended Arab Jewish, also a proto-variant of the Monotheistic God.
You must fuck the conclusion into your head before you can start blazing trail and taking pokes at the surface of this simulation, which appears to be intrinsically alive, on account it refreshes itself using its own natural abilities with you in it.

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A survey of scientists who are members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press in May and June 2009, finds that members of this group are, on the whole, much less religious than the general public.1 Indeed, the survey shows that scientists are roughly half as likely as the general public to believe in God or a higher power. According to the poll, just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically, 33% of scientists say they believe in God, while 18% believe in a universal spirit or higher power. By contrast, 95% of Americans believe in some form of deity or higher power, according to a survey of the general public conducted by the Pew Research Center in July 2006. Specifically, more than eight-in-ten Americans (83%) say they believe in God and 12% believe in a universal spirit or higher power. Finally, the poll of scientists finds that four-in-ten scientists (41%) say they do not believe in God or a higher power, while the poll of the public finds that only 4% of Americans share this view.

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you must be young.

The new atheism idea was thoroughly investigated by the internet about 10 years ago.

We discovered that it is in fact cringe and bluepilled and merely a misdirection created by communists/jews as a tool to destabilize christian society and make way for the globohomo agenda.

The Scientists participating in your polls have not contributed anything to science.

To show that you're just cherry-picking conclusions that fit your conclusion, I'll ask you to name a scientist who moved the ball forward on the human species evolution over time by technology or something like that. Only 30% o the first people who come to your mind will be atheist, agnostic, or be loosely affiliated with a monotheistic religion, including the protistantism that came to America, Arab-Islam, Arab-Jewish-Semitic, or Christian/Catholic.

the first people who come to your mind as the most popular scientists will be quite religious at one point or another in their youth or adult years.

Your flight to "Well derp I took a fucking poll and here's the result" is dog shit tier thinking and you should feel bad for that.

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You: Claim.
Me: Wrong. Evidence.
You: That evidence is bullshit. I know more than scientists. I know more that the FUCKING Pew Research Centre.

You fucking retard. You absolute dumbfuck. Go get a degree you lazy piece of shit.

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thats not appeal to authority thou

herr derr derr, I don't like what you said came with evidence attached so you must be young and naive to believe the evidence. Herrrrrrrr

Yes it is

You used Democracy and "Majority Rule" as a fundamental persuasive device. What are you an advertisement telling me that 4 out of 5 doctors agree that the shitty pill your employer is pushing is good for what ales you?

It's all so tiresome.

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I trust the experts. But tell me this. How do you feel about chromosomes, tranny?

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This evidence existed 10 years ago too... and even before that.
This discussion has been had thousands and thousands of times already. It was a very popular subject about 10 years ago.

Appeal to authority is only fallacious if the authority is not a master of the subject matter. Like if I said, "Trump says the virus isn't real."

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>Appeal to authority is only fallacious if the authority is not a master of the subject matter.

Whoever told you that is a liar. Somebody's credential, however special or magical does not make their statements true.

What's the alternative? Trust Jesus?

>Globetards believe this

If 99 out of 100 scientists do a study and come back with the same result that says climate change is real, then I'm gonna look at the evidence and probably agree. Science is not a democracy; it's math. And I do believe in math even if you don't.

Aristotle told me that.

Appeal to Authority is basically a suggestion of a causal link between what makes the Authority an Authority and the correctness of the pills they are pushing upon others.

It takes a trained mind to untangle the following things from the Appeal to Authority or Appeal to Majority or distributions of positive outcomes from a subset of individuals broken out by desirableness.

1. Smart-People can turn, and use their sell their new-found power the same way a strong-man sells his services as a bodyguard. You don't get to say: "The bodyguard's defensive postuers are intrinsically right" because there is a financial transaction involved.

Smart people who gain power use their power to harm others to retain that power. And so the Authority in appeal to Authority is fundamentally corrupt. Also 5 other problems if I'd bothered to list them and use another 900 words.

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>> Zig Forums fag knows better then aristotle

Then he lied to you.

This user is correct

I provided evidence from a study from a reputable authority who knows how to conduct good studies. There is supporting raw data. This is the conclusion in the abstract for the study.
It is a very good source.

>If 99 out of 100 scientists
You aware that it is possible for people to lie out of their pie-holes right? And so you're trying to "untangle a partial derivative with 2 or more unknowns".

You're trying to establish whether or not your life is a fundamental re-creation mechanism of quantum mechanics in this universe..... And you're running around like a cave-man with your god-damned clipboard and asking all the neanderthals in the clique who are the most skilled at beating the shit out of stuff, what they think and making a histogram.

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In fact, it's actually a very simple study. A random selection and a simple survey. A high school student could perform this study adequately and come to the same conclusion.

If you follow the history of science, you should recognize that most scientists have been wrong about most stuff very consistently

More right than you. You think I'm gonna believe Dr. Nobody Mc4chanDegree over millions of scientists?

You are appealing to perceived figures of authority who belong to a corrupt system. In short, you are a slave's slave, and you are proud of it.

>oh you've dedicated your life to studying this field?
>checkmate, I have google

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It's math. I know that confuses you, but math is real

How about just believe in yourself? That's easy for real people, but for a person like you with no original thought or personality of your own, that probably sounds scary.

actual scientist here. if you think STEM isn't pozzed you're in for a rough couple of decades.

>I trust faceless names that are associated with 'science' so much that I will compare them to the great geniuses of old and conclude they are of the same merit, even if I can't name a single thing they've done besides sign their name on this piece of paper and give their opinions related to the topic found on this piece of paper

Listen leaf, I'm not a cuck of any named faith on this planet and I'm intrigued by many modern scientific studies, just as you are I assume; stop fucking trolling if someone doesn't believe in math that means the person in question has less intelligence than many animals (and some plants) on this planet that have an innate ability to count and tell the difference between oneness and, as an example, twoness; if you aren't trolling please finish your last years of school.

You are neither a scientist nor a mathematician. You are only a slave appealing to your masters' authority.

The survival of a constitutional republic hinges on its ability to make sure people who think like you are now, never achieve true power and wealth over the nation.

You are like a child who's discovered the operating principle of a claw hammer and are pulling all the nails you can find with it.

Your poll of: "I took a pool and this is what they think" is not how fundamental truth is untangled. Get in a time machine and go back in time 500, 1000, 1500, 2500 years, etc. Go take a god-damned "poll" of what they think about God, or also Not-God.

All of your prevailing results in your little infographic voting-result would be absolute zero-value horse-shit.

But this time it's different right. This is 2020, totally different than 1020, and the year 20. And 980BC.

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When an experiment or study is peer reviewed by millions and reproduced ad infinitum and consistently produces the same results: Yeah. I think I just might believe it.

experts get the bat

If you were to appeal to my authority it would be as fallacious as appealing to anyone else's

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Its ok buddy, you'll get published someday.

No. I'm not a scientist. I have a BSc. so I know to listen to the experts because they'll be more right than wrong in the long run especially if the study is reproducible and peer reviewed.

Trust no one. And learn&steal knowledge from every place you go to. Has worked for jews so far.

Yeah ... not reading that.

>I have a BSc
Can we stop memeing that Bachelors mean anything anymore?

>I think I just might believe it.
Science isn't to be "believed" imbecile. You have to do your own to see if it wasn't pozzed in some way. Then you use it.

>believing experts

I just said that it means nothing. My BSc. means nothing. I'm not an expert, so I listen to the experts.


No I don't.

Who pays the experts?

Because we all know scientists are priests in white robes who would never make mistakes, use deception or do anything to get rich quickly. These same scientists tell us a man can cut off his pecker and become a woman too.

Why should I trust the author of this "study"

You're just young.

When you grow up, if you actually have honest intellectual curiosity... you'll come to see how much bullshit is passed off as legitimate "expert" knowledge these days.
And you'll realize that trusting "experts" is very very stupid.

The fuck. No ... I'm going to believe some retard who talks all in caps and doesn't make cogent arguments.

And then become a sheep of some "expert". If that's your way better join a cult. Science is always critic, even on the "experts".
