Attached: Rudy gets Covid.png (656x354, 44.48K)

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lmao hope he dies

Attached: 1528769561380.gif (498x498, 3.24M)

Translation: inconvenient to the deep state, killed

yeah sure. He gets trump treatment from all of the aborted babies. Enjoy keeping him alive tranny

He’ll be fine, remember how trump was supposed to die?

Hope the fat faggot dies

first juan williams, now rudy??

wtf lolol

fpbp won't happen though

He's actually been hurting trump and MIGA lately

He's not black so

Translation: I qas looking for a reason to consneed.

Attached: 1607207089431.png (680x680, 786.5K)

Can I still use his promo code in the unlikely case of him dying?

slide thread

hell be fine, Herman Cain's twitter is still active and whatnot

Trump was in and out of the hospital in days. What makes you think this will keep Rudy down?

>Interesting. Someone should tell the president about this

Attached: Screenshot 2020-12-06 at 3.26.16 PM.png (602x347, 37.44K)

Giuliani didn't look too good recently, maybe he's already through.

i love it how trannys need to steal meme because they are too stupid to create their own

Attached: commies.png (410x413, 242.49K)

>China virus
Israel virus, first deployed in China.

Wtf Is that a cat?!

I hope you die, so...

Trump recovered. I have covid right now and it's a joke. I don't see the big deal.

Thought the same.

Guliani was excellent for the PR side, he may have overworked himself. There are better people for the actual legalwork.



Attached: jewliani.jpg (1200x800, 132.8K)

>Guliani was excellent for the PR side,
I had my doubts at first, but yeah I think he did good at that.

Nigger, literally every meme posted on Zig Forums is a derivative of other memes

He was barely alive before he got the European Virus. RIP Rudy

Oh no he caught a disease that is slightly more deadly than the flu.

Unless he has some underlying condition he will be fine just like everybody else who got it.

So weird seeing libtard types celebrate and act like this somehow vindication of their worldview. "See we told you that you should have taken it seriously and worn a mask and barricaded yourself in your house. Now you will have the sniffles for a few days because you didn't listen. Bet you feel pretty dumb now for not taking it super seriously."

Also annoying to see Trump and the conservatards still calling it China Virus as if it were a deadly Chinese bioweapon even though the worst it did was give Trump a runny nose.

not true. lots of memes hit here first.

>perfect for the PR side

Lmao what, every normie has seen the videos of his hair melting and him eating his own snot, shitting himself while talking etc, he’s terrible for the PR in terms of normies. This is Trump’s excuse to get rid of him

The last threads about Trump people getting COVID have aged so well. This time for sure something will happen.

Attached: negrokintamas.png (627x436, 171.6K)

me and my family got it way early this year because we live near an international airport. it was a rough cough for a week but that's really it. maybe i feel more tired now? idk, maybe that's from being forced to social distance and stay inside for so long now.
and they want to cancel christmas too? suck my ass

Everything in that meme was already taken from other boards.

That is a polite way of setting him aside. Good

Attached: clock is ticking.jpg (400x400, 21.09K)

>slightly more deadly than the flu.
um, sweety... its not nearly as deadly as the flu. the flu regularly kills healthy young folks. the "covid" almost literally only kills old people who are already in the process of dying from a preexisting condition.

It spreads more quickly than the flu, but it doesn't kill as many people per infection. It has the potential to kill more than the flu normally does. Viruses are just cellular information they don't all act the same way.

I mean through the infection. The Blumpf team used one of the shittiest rapid covid tests on the market, at least in October. It misses a lot of infections, so he could have had it already two or three negative tests ago.



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