In Holland the toilets are designed with a shelf where your feces land. No water barrier so it smells extremely bad
Is it because it's easier to take a sample?
Dutch toilet
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You are sitting on it backwards. The rear of the toilet is a shelf to place your food and drink.
What a terrible design. It seems like most toilets would have poop streaks on them.
no water barrier?
rubbish, it would have an s-bend
They do. You’re expected to use the brush every time you shit like a cuck
is this real cmon now
Only old toilets are like this.
It has, ur dumb?
what the fuck?
every where else
>did you forget to flush?
>did you forget to brush?
No, the turd lands on dry porcelain, open-air. Only when you flush does it get swept to the water trap.
What the fuck that is GAY. Euros like to trash Americans but they designed their toilets in order to maximize the amount of smelly shit gas that they breathe in while taking a dump. Fucking weirdos.
one of the better south park bits
I remember going to Austria on a ski-trip years ago and had toilet like that in our hotel room.
Was worried I didn't use the toilet properly and my poo would get flung out by the water flushing and splat against the door.
It's in case you don't want to flush it, you can scoop it up and hurl it through the window and land it on the back of the head of a any passer by.
The Flachspüler is a german invention:
Ive shat there. Just a tgerrible experience.
You fling your feces at perceived enemies ?
No splash I guess, I take a mean shit so I basically have to use the brush every time anyway.
thats real and was for looking at your shit if there was any blood or anomalies back then, for self diagnosing
if you have such a toilet youre confirmed white, because you are smart enough to self diagnose, and responsible enough to keep away from the doctor with your boo boos when you drank too much monster the day before and have cramps in your boipussy because of it
In my experience toilets in NL and DE have high power flushes.
r u polish/mexican ?
ive never brushed a toilet in my life. Its the utter modt de classe move to hav a shit brush right in front of people as they walk into a bathroom
It was like this at my Omas house but all new houses have standard wcs
>looking at your own shit
With such a toilet you're not only confirmed white but also Aryan
>no water barrier
They do, now get out
I actually have this toilet in my apartment. It's kinda gross.
You a good shit inspector that for sure....
maybe germans are just scatfreaks too thought
Like full blooded krauts, swamp germans and mountain jews enjoy the smell.
>ur dumb
fucking zoomers.
STFU child.
Zig Forums gets the entire 2020 election wrong, and even doesnt know how a fucking toilet works.
coming from the continent that gave niggers rights
Then how do you clean your toilet? The brush isn't there to clean it after every use but it is there for scrubbing with appropriate bleach or toilet cleaner... Do yanks not clean their toilets?
this wouldn’t work in america because our healthy shits look like cowpies
>maybe germans are just scatfreaks too thought
thats for sure, but the toilet is mainly for health inspection
we have glass tables for scat fetishes
Hes the kinda guy they find hanging out in womens out houses underground