Let's discuss eschatology in the Abrahamic religions

I am 12ish. I agree it might be possible for some people to deduce the answer to their questions by Hadith and Quran, but for most of the people this is not the case and one needs to know the context and have some more than the literal meaning of verses of Quran. There are lots of questions and problems which not mentioned and discussed directly in the texts and need more work than just a cursory reading of the Quran.

Also, let's say every one tries just go ahead with what they believe is right from their understanding, it will be chaos and results to more problem. For instance, inhaling deep smoke of cigarette is Haram in fasting and Ramadan and some might say literally from the Quran it is only water and food and not smoke, then some try to smoke and some will not and then the society will fall apart. This is the only one example and many other major ones can be told which implies reading and interpreting the Quran and Hadith for every one and each person not a good idea although they are sufficient, but there is more than just their first impression and literal meaning.

Keep praying like Jews, Dönmeh. Play Hava Nagila and count the shekels you received from JIDF for your incessant shilling.

The west is corrupt in general but Iraq is where all religion itself becomes corrupt throughout history.
Even the most ridiculous hadiths were fabricated and narrated in Iraq.
I know you're too stupid and inbred to understand history.

>Dumb superficial inbred with memeflag thinks prayer is a special code that if you make the wrong movement at the wrong moment it's "access denied".
Keep coping dumb inbred. There's a reason why you God has to keep revealing his word in the Middle East because they are all the biggest idiots and corrupters of religion like yourself.

You sound to me too much butthurt and brainwashed by Jews. desu, I dgaf what you think and believe and you can seethe in your pity.

If someone is asleep, you can awake them, but you can not awake someone who pretend being asleep.

Don't the four Sunni Madhhabs do the same thing? Also, fatwas are not limited to Shi'ite preachers. Sunni muftis do that all the time too.

Nice description of yourself shiatrash.

Can we all at least agree that jews are scum of the earth and islam is the one true faith and allah willing when the jjews side with dajaaal we'll be willing to work alongside Christians against them?

Yes. I forgot this. Even Sunnis have fatwa and even have heard funny one from deviant Wahabi muftis like putting and placing cucumber and tomato in the same shopping bag is Haram :-)

>Prays like the Jews
>Calls others corrupters of religion
Kys faggot. Your retarded version of Islam is only followed by probably 5 persons. Stay retarded.

>Can we all at least agree that jews are scum of the earth
Apparently not because sunnishits and shiatrash rather follow fabricated Jewish hadiths which come straight from the Talmud rather than actually trying to read the Quran themselves.