Are we about to get a new Foundation Myth?

Seems that when Trump reveals the tremendous results of his brilliant sting operation there will be global ramifications and a new world will arise that fits all three functions of a Foundation Myth.
And what does this imply?

Attached: FoundationMyth.png (1305x747, 110.66K)

Actually remember this post and had a similar thought.
Our new myth will go something like "We were all asleep under a tyrannical regime that we couldn't even see."
Now we have awoken to a brave new world after conquering this evil.
The "anti-christ" in this mythos are deceitful people in power and pedophiles

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The premise:
>WW2 is the "foundation mythos" of Western civilization, needs proving.
Christianity is, and always has been, the ethical and moral subset by which freedom is justified, in America, for now.

That you will never be a real woman.

dude i was thinking the same. Im sure its gonna include the holocaust like the last foundation myth

We fell asleep to the sounds of soothing promises by sneks we allowed into our lives; we were told to embrace globohomoism.

Only to those typically considered the political right.
Those on the left, and younger people know very little about history other than the fall of hitler

So cucked jews without any benefit of being a jew, nice stuff

>new foundation myth
>with Donald Trump as messiah

Attached: 1555181851269.png (500x457, 331.84K)

>our GOD give rights
>GOD created all men as equals
Jesus, please help us throw off the chains of evil weighing down this country and lead us back into your light.