Why does Zig Forums hate Latinas? I don't get it

Why does Zig Forums hate Latinas? I don't get it.

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>1 post by this id

I love Latinas.
Pic Related is a Latina.

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We don't. The majority of Latinas are basically white supremacists.

You were literally the first person to respond. Please answer my question.

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>2 post by this ID
saged and you’ll never be a woman

I don't.. the wettest girls I ever fucked were latina women. Their vaginas are literal juice factories.

stop posting this fucking retard everyday. You are so boring.

They've never been sucked and fucked by any, that's their problem

Based and self hating pilled


Neurotic bitches with odd fat distribution. Kind of like the temper though... can get a deaththreat one day and a blowjob the next.

I want to spunk her glasses but i understand niggers get to spunk on her first

Please explain why you're constantly shitting up the board with this latina shit.

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white+hispanic is the most common interracial pairing

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Can we get to the bottom of this though? Is Taylor/Foreskin Gamer/nudeobama a tranny?

Cute latina Trumpgirls are cute.

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Dangerously based

This looks like the female version of the incel

I don't hate them. In fact I dated a PR girl all through college and she was the best lay ever. But that was before I was redpilled on race and the JQ. They don't belong in our nations. Best to luck to them in their own.

Reminds me of gypsies. That being said, I would marry one without hesitation.

I don’t, I nut in my latina wife all the time.

Ever met a Spanish speaking woman who isn’t loud and obnoxious? Yeah me either.

incel rage

>Why does Zig Forums hate Latinas?
you know why, poopeye

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and those are bad things?

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Lots of Germans have brown eyes, you played yourself faggot

Fpbp. Inb4 sliding jew responds more.

You forced me to hate them. I really liked latinas but your forced shilling about them with the intent of promoting racemixing has provoked the opposite of your desired reaction. Fuck you kike shill.

yea... "germans". you mean non germanics living in germany. actual germans ( germanics ) have exclusively light eyes. its literally THE germanic trait.

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not loyal

this girl is peak coomer bait just post her in bant no body really reads the threads

Lol, keep deluding yourself, also if you have blue eyes you have a common ancestor with every blue-eyed kike and tons of Ashkenazi Jews have blue eyes.

Zig Forums doesn't shill, now fuck off.

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That's a cute boy