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OP has no concept of hard work or personal sacrifice.
sage all fields.
Side effects include leaking of the skull and uncontrollable flatulence
Based, hopefully he dies. At least this may, possibly, stop the further embarrassment that is Trump's legal team.
>Tested positive for coronavirus
oh look, someone else got it, give him a week and i'm sure he'll be fine. just like 99.5% of everyone who gets it.
basically my point is who gives a shit.
donald...I'm sor........
It won't stop what's coming shill. I can't wait till you get what's coming to you
>He votes for faggot who has never worked and only lost money his entire life.
I think we are done here.
Inb4 he literally dies
You don't win by making sacrifices.
You win by making the other guy sacrifice, and laugh when it was for nothing.
send COOF19 to get a substantial karma buttfuck
Translation. Brian Kemps future son in law was blown up by a car bomb. I should lay low for 2 weeks.
See you in two weeks Rudy.
Wanna know why he'll be fine? 99% survival rate :D
At the risk of cope fags, this really is t terrible. I feel like Rudy is a little too eccentric. We needed a dead pan, straight shooting person leading this case from the start. Going in press conferences talking about fake news doesn’t help the case look like anything other than political posturing. There is a case here, but the problem hasn’t been evidence, the problem has getting quality lawyers to put everything they have on the line to represent him. That’s why everyone coming out is so easily mud slinged, because in order to want to come out and speak up in this situation, you have to have nothing to lose. This is the case with any high profile case where it relies on people who will be threatened coming out. There aren’t enough people willing to give their cushy lives up for this unfortunately.
Absolutely seeething!
Meant to say isn’t terrible, mobile fag here
Oh look, it’s you again. This the 200th thread you posted this on? Must be a shill record, really working overtime for those Christmas bonuses.
what‘s coming is you getting your trannytubes sealed in a sterilization gulag
lol so at worst he’s got some sniffles and a headache?? Don’t worry shill, he’s got a 99.9% of being perfectly fine.
But.. you on the other hand
Xy will never be xx
Maybe you Trumpfags should go have another super spreader rally to make yourselves feel better
seethe again, deluded boomer, seethe now..go!!!
Nobody mentions how 87 year old senator just returned back to work 2 weeks after testing positive. He says he never stopped his routine of running 2 miles a day
>why yes, I’m german
*senator Grassley
You mean Don Young? He's a representative. He hasn't done shit in decades and he keepa getting voted in. He's as inevitable as death and taxes.
watch him still go outside
cause fake virus
He's going to die. I don't have any strong feelings about him either way.
>Just means he gets immunity soon
.05 cents was not deposited into your account.
You better hope your centers addresses aren't posted here :D
>how to spot shill threads
Who cares. The tests are unreliable and covid is a nothingburger.
Too bad the safe harbor is in 2 days. He can’t appear in court for 2 weeks.
How do people even get tested in the first place.
This fat fuck is going to plinko through every level of hell
People are acting like this is some sort of death sentence. We make less of a deal announcing someone has cancer when compared to this meme virus.
The sniffles doesn’t kill 200k people.
thanks, now cope..go!!!
He can just skype in retard. But you knew as well as you know that you will never truly be a woman.
He's going to die just like Herman the Pizzanegro.
I guarantee you he will back to work by this time next week. The statistics are available. Plus hes rich and will have access to Trumps doctors
>loses election because of how he handled covid
>loses lawsuits because of how covid handled his lawyer
would be a fitting end to that shitty saga
Neither has this virus in the US. It is curious how there is a supposed pandemic going on, yet no surplus deaths. This doesn't make sense, until you look into all other major causes of death and notice they're all down, especially influenza and pneumonia. Then you realize they're just listing deaths as covid-19 to drum up fear.
Ok manchild.
There is excess death, is someone paying you to lie this brazenly? Who are you shilling for?
Cool lies serpent
Like clockwork.
Like pottery.
Rent free.
>if I keep telling them to cope, they’ll give up
oh no he's gonna have a cold for a few days
> multibillionaire
> only lost money his entire life
pick one, retard.
and he'll be better in 3 days
oh no the humanity, vaccinate us all