/gag/ thread

Does anyone have the copypasta for /gag/ threads. I just started reading them and I think it’s a great idea but I’m already noticing the threads are starting to disappear. I’m down to start threads when I don’t see one but I need the copypasta. Thanks.

Other than that, ITT: /gag/ memes and discussion.

Attached: CE7FBF8E-1B7A-4F0F-9BA2-FC5B9A65005F.jpg (691x1024, 73.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Type gag on subject on 4plebs

Attached: BD063E03-D828-47EB-B86F-04FDB16CC282.png (1080x1080, 196.28K)

Attached: 878EABA2-40EF-4235-B90E-26DFB5871C69.jpg (1024x687, 85.6K)

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Attached: B74BBE97-8627-4F33-9B66-E221601D30E5.png (1080x1080, 128.07K)

Attached: C7AA8704-39E1-4007-9997-B6F38FAC8F6C.png (1080x652, 272.19K)

Attached: 90A14663-0D39-499D-8B1C-76A18DDE5980.png (830x519, 46.79K)

saved :^)

GAG 2.0

>What is /GAG/?
MEMETIC WEAPONS FACTORY - High-impact guerrilla psy-op campaign. Dedicated to the creation and sharing of Zig Forums art in the globalist elite style of choice; "Alegria".

>How is this Zig Forums related
VISUAL PROPAGANDA IS THE TIP OF THE SPEAR FOR DELIVERING RED-PILLS TO NORMIES IRL. “Alegria” is a ubiquitous, low-effort, soul-destroying, demoralizing babyish style used by multinationals and governments who actively engage in the New World Order great reset. By adopting this camouflage, we give it AIDS. Ideally, ADL's latest "hate-symbol".

>user, these memes are too on the nose, we need to tone it down to make it totally pointless and indistinguishable from the real thing.
Fuck off concern troll. If you can do better, make your own. Darwinism selects the winner!

>I made this BBC cuckold porn fantasy. This will make white people angry... or something.... also, we should make a Discord Server to we can be easily contained and deleted.
Go back to Bunkerchan. Try harder next time. Discord Tranny shill, we see you.

>How can I help? How do I make this "art"?
Nearly any program that creates vector art can be used. If you're a talented artist already, use whatever you know best. Below are some free tools.

> I have no art skills :(
Make sock puppet accounts. Only share screen caps AFTER the account is already banned. We need snipers in the grass, hiding. Writing fake articles to go with images *highly encouraged*.

Alegria has variants, so do we - this will help us avoid algorithmic suppression and make our content like landmines that keep going off in their faces.

Go wild with content. Subversive, or balls to the wall offensive as fuck. Both have their uses. Friendly fire ISN’T - i.e. shills advocating un-ironic globohomo content because it’s ‘super subtle’. Out Jew the Jew.

Link to the pasta here: pastebin.com/rcvAxetF
Link to last thread here:

Attached: 1607132895462a.png (1925x1269, 304.14K)

Thanks friend.
>What is /GAG/?
This is a thread dedicated to the creation and sharing of Zig Forums art in the typical "Alegria" style much beloved by the elites. Regular drawfriends are welcome as well.

>How is this Zig Forums related?
PROPAGANDA IS INHERENTLY TIED TO POLITICS. THIS IS A THREAD FOR CREATING, SHARING AND DISCUSSING PROPAGANDA. This demoralizing "artstyle" is used across the world by massive multinational companies - the same ones actively engaging in censorship worldwide. It's de-humanizing, low effort, and everywhere. You can also consider this the Zig Forums drawthread for the time being. Welcome to the Right Wing Design Squad.

>user, this art looks like shit.
We know. The point is to subvert the style so it becomes the ADL's latest "hate-symbol". Nearly every major company has co-opted this style, wouldn't you like to change that?

>How can I help? How do I make this "art"?
Nearly any program that creates vector art can be used. If you're a talented artist already, use whatever you know best. Below are some free tools.

>Can I get some assets? Examples?

Anons should make efforts to modify all their art to a degree. The Globohomo movement itself has variants. This is guerilla meme warfare, they should be so shocked by our co-opting of their gay aesthetic they shudder each time they churn out more "art", as it will only give us more ammo, more variants to subvert, more foliage to hide within.
Posting off-topic art is frowned upon. If you don't like the thread hide & ignore

THREAD THEME: vocaroo.com/1aqiYgsuKXwN
Link to the pasta here: pastebin.com/rcvAxetF

Oh this one is better.

This one is utterly meaningless to international audiences. Based on contextual cues, I'm guessing it's a tranny one, but if I saw it in the wild, I wouldn't know that. Also, this behind the curve of clownworld, and therefore useless.

This is also behind the curve and could easily be a real headline. Try harder.

Attached: 1607133124295.png (1260x1615, 116.76K)

Thanks frendo. I wrote it, and I also made this one
Shills and retards are the biggest threat to GAG, worse than jannies.

Attached: Spread Positivity.jpg (736x1024, 73.91K)

Is there a more subtle way to say "open borders for israel" Like "Open Borders for Diversity" with a flag of Israel or something? This is too easy to spot as a false flag.

This one is good.

If you want subtle, this is a literal masterpiece full of detail.

Attached: 1607132765444.png (662x1114, 123.29K)

Idea for anyone who's not a lazy shit like me

>black crackdealer dead by cop
>black kids crying in the background
>text says calling cops on black fathers is a death sentence. Please think again before calling 911. Let's save black families together

Another masterpiece

Attached: 1607287294676.png (2000x2000, 411.91K)

Ps pitting them against each other is best strats

Attached: 1607140920746.png (626x425, 121.28K)

All I get is the nig reaching for the wallet, which isn't subtle at all. What is the other shit I'm missing out on?

Damn. Yeah I like this one too.
I always think Zig Forums isn't subtle enough with this stuff, so this is good.

That concept has been done.

Attached: 1607124545180.png (800x600, 275.09K)

This one is good too. Do you have the one about not calling cops on black men?

Attached: 1607133312917.png (1080x652, 178.47K)

Does this mean the first step is to start cracking open their heads

The first time I saw it, I thought it was too subtle. It's not, it's gold...

"Pyramid of oppression"
>Jew at the top, - highest, and shoulder in front, but done in such a way he looks second
>Pedo tranny
>Nigger bitch
>White woman
>White guy at the back being robbed


Attached: 1607125754549.png (1280x720, 91.85K)

There is value in both the subtle and the blatantly obvious. The alegria style provides a camouflage. It blends in with the real leftist propaganda, allowing more left eyes to see it. We not only infect the style, we throw redpills into the mix. Push their own words and ideas to the extreme.

And the football thing was a small story in America, but it's hilarious all the same. For the first time ever, a college football team had a professional soccer female soccer player as a guest kicker. She didn't actually play, she just kicked, it hit 25 yards and then bounced another 5. If you don't know much about American football that's as pathetic as you can get. The entire event was treated as a publicity thing to show how far women have come. The team hosted her for this event lost 41-0. It's just a complete JUST situation.

Took me a second but good job.

Anyone have the domestic violence as?

>Kenesha Sneed
Is this some kind of ironic shit?

Attached: hein.jpg (394x394, 38.95K)

perfectly normal name user

>make it totally pointless and indistinguishable from the real thing.
I don't want to encourage that message. We don't need to reinforce mainstream DNC talking points. We are literally about to start a hot civil war, we need white pills, wedges to divide leftists, and open insults. The mainstream is AWASH with BLM shit. It's on our money for fucks sake.

Attached: 1607112909690.png (1200x900, 1.05M)

Nice. Divide and conquer.

Attached: A13A609C-FF50-4862-B236-4B04F9447360.jpg (1152x1152, 129.65K)

What are you talking about? Meme campaigns like this only work when done subtly. Once normies on Twitter find 1 obvious Zig Forums globohomo meme the whole operation is done

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