GAG 2.0
>What is /GAG/?
MEMETIC WEAPONS FACTORY - High-impact guerrilla psy-op campaign. Dedicated to the creation and sharing of Zig Forums art in the globalist elite style of choice; "Alegria".
>How is this Zig Forums related
VISUAL PROPAGANDA IS THE TIP OF THE SPEAR FOR DELIVERING RED-PILLS TO NORMIES IRL. “Alegria” is a ubiquitous, low-effort, soul-destroying, demoralizing babyish style used by multinationals and governments who actively engage in the New World Order great reset. By adopting this camouflage, we give it AIDS. Ideally, ADL's latest "hate-symbol".
>user, these memes are too on the nose, we need to tone it down to make it totally pointless and indistinguishable from the real thing.
Fuck off concern troll. If you can do better, make your own. Darwinism selects the winner!
>I made this BBC cuckold porn fantasy. This will make white people angry... or something.... also, we should make a Discord Server to we can be easily contained and deleted.
Go back to Bunkerchan. Try harder next time. Discord Tranny shill, we see you.
>How can I help? How do I make this "art"?
Nearly any program that creates vector art can be used. If you're a talented artist already, use whatever you know best. Below are some free tools.
> I have no art skills :(
Make sock puppet accounts. Only share screen caps AFTER the account is already banned. We need snipers in the grass, hiding. Writing fake articles to go with images *highly encouraged*.
Alegria has variants, so do we - this will help us avoid algorithmic suppression and make our content like landmines that keep going off in their faces.
Go wild with content. Subversive, or balls to the wall offensive as fuck. Both have their uses. Friendly fire ISN’T - i.e. shills advocating un-ironic globohomo content because it’s ‘super subtle’. Out Jew the Jew.
Link to the pasta here:
Link to last thread here:
Attached: 1607132895462a.png (1925x1269, 304.14K)