RiCO Act: ANTIFA, BLM, Handmaidens etc Run and Hide Edition #2

>Ruby Freeman has just lawyered up
Deals are only made with the first to flip...

>What is covered under RICO
Any violation of state statutes against gambling, murder, kidnapping, extortion, arson, robbery, bribery, dealing in obscene matter, or dealing in a controlled substance or listed chemical (as defined in the Controlled Substances Act);
Any act of bribery, counterfeiting, theft, embezzlement, fraud, dealing in obscene matter, obstruction of justice, slavery, racketeering, gambling, money laundering, commission of murder-for-hire, and many other offenses covered under the Federal criminal code (Title 18);
Embezzlement of union funds;
Bankruptcy fraud or securities fraud;
Drug trafficking; long-term and elaborate drug networks can also be prosecuted using the Continuing Criminal Enterprise Statute;
Criminal copyright infringement;
Money laundering and related offenses;
Bringing in, aiding or assisting aliens in illegally entering the country (if the action was for financial gain);
Acts of terrorism.

>Why should this concern you?
if you are connected with any groups in anyway right now, it's probably a good time to go see the NLG

National Lawyers Guild
>unless they're connected,
then probably don't.

Be faster than the other guy, or hope they don't flip on you.
>In the Mafia Commission Trial, which ran from February 25, 1985, through November 19, 1986, Giuliani indicted 11 organized crime figures, including the heads of New York City's so-called "Five Families", under the RICO Act
Everything for a reason...

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Other urls found in this thread:


So why isn't big tech, banks, ... under RICO, jew?

how could these guys think they'd get away with it?
did they really think they could cross state lines to destroy federal and private property?

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Section 230

why do these people think it's okay to terrorize their own countrymen?

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>picture for ants
would be funny to watch antifag and blm get torn down in federal court on rico charges but i'm not going to hold my breath

The more that comes out the more I think its that 2008 mentality *too big to fail. I think they really hoped he was just going to concede and it would have been a nothing burger. They certainly didn't count on the weaponised autism that came out in Trumps defense.

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The plot will always thicken



user i...


Who do you think will be the scapegoats? it's more probable than you first think.

Do you think you'll see powerful people before a judge?

every nigger there should be publicly executed

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they could all be rounded up at once, couldn't they?

That's more Patriot Act

Info from Mr.Lude

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holy shit

wait is he saying china is going to have an uprising with bombs going off?

Oh boy here we go.

Genuinely, yes!

They don't seem to understand that just because you use techniques they found on youtube that they can't find you. It's the United States Government, you can't hide KeK.

The second that the Voting machines were deemed compromised it became a National Security issue. But they couldn't publically declare that for that very reason. International markets rely on the stability of the US


Are bombs code word for penises?

No way in hell the feds would charge Antifa or BLM comrades with RICO, because neither of these is a formal group. Antifa is a tactic and BLM is a movement. Feds won't even bother giving you a RICO charge unless they know you've done something, which is why RICO has a 93% conviction rate.

is the violent left scapegoating their niggers?

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I ain seen no chain a custa WAT??!!

bro that list covers basically all human activity

here goes one of the Fake-Stream-Media's narratives in over-drive when Biden's officially denied the WH:
>"Rayyyyyyyyycism!!!!! RIOT! Reeeeeeeeeee!!!! This all part of an Ebil Nahzee take-over! Riot! Reeeee!!!!!"
All the while we see very few elites who were behind this get in any trouble whatsoever.
The FSM will NEVER admit that its' their Deep-State-Elitism protecting them......they'll just throw the terms 'Systemic-rayyyyyycism' around again.
Thesem evil fucking bastards' Patterns are sickening.

>he said in fear

How would the feds be able to charge them if there's no criminal organization in existence?


Numerals don't lie

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this nigga lel

no clue but i'd bet the big money people made sure their checks were made out to specific non profits to help insulate them from the street level nigger shit and so when questioned they can say some bs about wanting to help the under privileged inner city youth or whatever

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>martial law
post discarded

has he said anything that happened yet? I haven't personally read anything that has "happened" from Lude except for lots of hunter dicks

you may want to research that. Organisations don't need to be LLC. They *by their actions on Twitter alone) Have deemed themselves to be so. Their Secular nature and planning are enough. Do you not think they're on a watch list???

>is the violent left scapegoating their niggers?

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That is why 50 Cent will not "associate" withe certain rappers


RICO law in the US has another handy attribute
Practically anything is admissible as evidence

The feds want slam dunk cases, which they won't get if they charge a bunch of comrades. There's way too much room to prove reasonable doubt.

>The feds
Military Tribunals are not like the Feds though and that's were this is going.

Any Read or Well-Read individual has seen this pattern before. The sad part is these groups don't want to unite, they're too angry to see they are being manipulated.


Even from the lips of Malcolm X they won't listen