guys people in china are FREAKING the fuck out what's happening?
do they really expect US to say that the election fraud was an act of war and NATO will be forced to act on behalf of the US against china?
>election fraud >china complicit >they've been waging unconventional war against the US >the US let them do it so they could round them all up in america >all the communist insurrection shit will be pinned on china (tribe untouched conveniently) >martial law declared like lincoln did >mass arrest of media, blm, antifa, more >because of all this, it's an act of war >NATO forced to support the US, which means all of europe and US will be against china >russia has been cutting ties and getting real friendly with EU and US recently, china feels alone >they expect the rebuttal to destroy buildings, economy, etc and are asking the chinese who're against the CCP to get satellite phones and dishes >china scrambling after their plans are unraveling before them >they expected quid pro quo china joe to be president >it isn't working >now they only expect war
guys are things about to get interesting? I hope merchants don't escape this fiasco by just pinning it all on china but china was obviously complicit in this attack on our constitutional republic
trump has been very anti-war so war is doubtful, so how will he handle it?
YEESSSSS LETSGO TO THE FUCKING CHINESE RICE FIELDS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA >Gen. McInerney calls for Military Tribunals: "This is 6 to 10 States bonding together to manipulate their data to take control of the US Government.. It's not dirty politics or tricks. It is treason!"
Ian Walker
Please let this be true. Fuck china i want war
David Scott
>China! please accept my butthole, masters! Yeah no
No I mean for China's supposed preparation for war. I'm up to speed on this side. I was one of the first people calling antifa and blm a chinese ngo op.
Thomas Watson
i'm telling you these martial law q-tier larps where all the bad people get rounded up will never happen, feel free to keep jerking yourself off over totally EPIC WINS that will happen in the next 2 weeks but keep it to
Nicholas Johnson
he's the guy who dropped all of Hunter Biden's dick picks, pay attention
Michael Bailey
>election fraud >china complicit
Oh so im supposed to believe russia was fucking with our government. Now republicans are crying its china china china. But when anyone mentions israel its an issue. China bad is a zionist kike distraction.
Colton Richardson
Arena china placing military bases in can't and Mexico orbits was that some schizo post?
You might want to play the video see if you recognise anyone
Oliver Wilson
Covid is not a ccp bioweapon its a hoax provided by jews you kike.
Justin Jones
Yes but you're forgetting that China spread covid for this exact purpose
Nicholas Edwards
This is why, read
Lucas Young
We won't go to war right away, we'll fuck their economy into the ground first. Then we'll arm their citizens and let them tear each other apart from the inside. The only thing our military will do is blockade them.
Ethan Roberts
Is that what epochtimes is telling you?
Dominic Anderson
Covid is a hoax provided by kikes like you. Not china.
Ryder Taylor
>certain people will resign and Biden will be forced to concede.
It’s part of the NATO treaty. It’s just a phrase. If someone attacked any member then all other members have to treat it like an attack against them too.
Carter Ramirez
The Soviet Union was right about everything regarding chankoros.
Dude I work in a hospital. Covid isn't a hoax. It's killing the old and obese left and right. It's not super lethal or anything but it is filling up hospitals beyond capacity. When shtf, there will be nowhere for the wounded to turn.
Daniel Torres
No its very real but it wore out and hardly effected whites due to our lack of Ace2. They're meant to be trying again in 2021 but I believe it will be stopped.
They have no economy, most of their assets and money is in the US.
Ian Lopez
>the cock department says Drumpf just about has the election in the bag! Nice
Joseph Thompson
Sessions will return.
Carter Flores
Exactly, declare covid a bioweapon and it forces a declaration of war against the ccp. Thats why it hasn't been done.
Luke Gutierrez
Send them to camps, why the fuck do healthy people have to be denied healthcare because a bunch of fatties made poor lifestyle choices?
Brayden Morgan
lude is a bedbug in binnish
Camden Gutierrez
what happened to those ships that went to the hotspots and had no patients or all those places converted to handle the "surge" but then never had patients either what about 2 weeks to slow the spread why are deaths the same they've been for the last 5 years why are pcr test showing positives on testing animals and fruit why are pcr test showing false positives show me a link to the isolated strain
yawn this covid hoax is boring and china is going to pay for their world wide psyop
Asher Carter
would this explode the head of Q-deniers?
Wyatt Sullivan
I've had a theory for years now that we would not see a major world conflict until most of the greatest generation were dead.
In other words, none are left living or in positions of power to testify to the hell that another world war would be. We're almost there, but seriously, communist china can't be allowed to live.
Cooper Sanchez
its true, china has barracks and training grounds in canada, and is paying out large amounts of money to the mex cartels.
Chase Bell
Trump is anti-war because war between otherwise peaceful peoples on the side of Good is a rather bad thing, sad thing, and tragic thing. What has happened in your elections however, are acts of treason and acts of war from the forces of evil, and evil already vanquished and defeated on another plane. Their Earthly presence won't go down without a fight, which is why they launched their global scamdemic. Some violence may be deemed necessary to persuade the final remnants of evil to vacate Earth. Ideally, the Chinese do it themselves to their gouvernment, as others should to their own. There's the distinct possibility however that if evil can't have its cake, it will blow it up with nuclear weapons. This is something only the highest-level spec ops can prevent. The kind you need a special, new branch of the military for, which hasn't yet been infiltrated and subverted by evil. One suitable for the future of mankind, eyes wide open to the skies and beyond, to meet our families.
Xavier Howard
Nukes are not a last resort but the solution. Yeet the Rods of God.
Angel Sanchez
That would work too but I think the election rigging and Antifa/BLM colour revolution attack in America is justification enough and the thing he is referring to. I’m not even bothered by a 99.7% survivable virus but they can puss off with a vaccine.