Why do some Canadians base their identity off of not being American rather than being American?
Why do some Canadians base their identity off of not being American rather than being American?
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being Canadian*
Those that base their culture of not being a culture. Have none.
that's also the identity of every country in Europe
French culture is literally a bunch of people posturing about how un-american they can be lol
As a french Cancucked, I feel more American than a Canadian.
That being said. Americans have a consumerist culture which isn't really a culture that stands the test of time, as it can change at the whim of the profit holders.
I am a Sikh immigrant from Pakistan. I am the new face of Canada. We have no identity.Canada has no culture.
If you took an all-white new england suburb and scaled it up to be its own country, you'd get canada.
ha you stupid american yankee doodle fuck
>Why do some Canadians base their identity off of not being American rather than being American?
because i can't vote, i can't buy a weapon. still can get gibs if i were a nigger tho.
still the first two make me canadian.
You’ll never be a leaf
Is Tim Hortons a culture?
Canadians base their culture on bashing other cultures. They love to bash americans and quebecois ans albertans and newfies.
Fuck canadians vive le Québec libre
hopefully the turban is an effective head defense
It’s an offensive weapon. Bees congregate in there and they can be trained to attack.
Because not being American is literally the only difference between Canadians and Americans.
Based and comfy memory pilled
No more than Mackey D's.
White devil. You will be replaced by my seven chad-tier Sikh children. Jagmeet will be your leader.
Why are Canadian Punjabis so obnoxious on this board ? You guys are irrelevant as fuck. The only time I ever hear about you guys is when you shout yourselves out on this board. And it's not like I'm living in some rural neck of the woods I grew up in the Toronto area
Oh not him. He gives Sikhs in Canada a bad name, just like how Canadian Sikhs give the rest of Sikhdom a bad name.
You got the worst. The ones I know are somewhat JQ aware, vote Conservative and are in general nice people.
We are basically America light
Id say there is more difference between people depending on the state/province they are from vs. the country at this point.
Thanks god I am not a leaf.
>We are basically America light
So why do you guys hate American so much? Is it just form of leftist self-loathing?
we still execute communists where i live
Because they have no fucking cultural indentity , the only thing they have is being liberal cucks who would let Trudeau fuck their mothers, wives and daughters all he wants. Fuck Canada
Because there is no reason for Canada to exist. Without that reason, you can only define yourself by what you're not.
I've been to Canada. It's not even a real place, they just have prop buildings & mannequins everywhere. It's like a giant film set or some kind of English language version of North Korea. It's a ploy they use to lure in victims. In reality it's a tropical jungle hell & Canadians are cannibals. They boil children alive in cauldrons while visiting curses on America, Britain & Australia. They have sex with mooses, or meeses, or whatever the fuck they're called. I know this for a fact because a tribe of Canadians took me hostage. They're not human beings. They're actually little green trolls that operate human avatar suits. They're the most evil creatures on earth. We have to stop them
Well, if you knew you own fucking history you would learn that the war you call "of independance", and won by you, resulted in a mass banishment of loyalist, most of them went to Canada, in then Upper Canada, now Ontario.
TLDR; for the same reason you call yourself an american.
It’s really cute how they pretend to be different somehow on here.
For some reason your country spams out anti-American propaganda. It is one of the laughable soft power strategies that I could never wrap my head around. Most of your intellectuals, media personalities, and politicians hate your country.
I wonder (((why))).