Posting this without context

Attached: payvsproductivity2.jpg (814x717, 79.75K)

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Nah bro we can trust muh free market!!! and corporations to compensate people fairly without the government requiring them to do so!! Trust me, a Republican told me!!!

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It's your lucky day!
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Happy holidays and remember trannies will never be real women!

You imply socialists don't specifically abuse the sytem themselves?

Deluded cunt.

There is no free market in the US.
Government and large corporations are bedfellows.
They encumber businesses with dozens of pointless and ineffective regulatory burdens that are a rounding can bankrupt a startup but are a rounding error to Fortune 500 companies.

I'll take "what is automation?" Alex for $200

What is the gold standard, trebek?

Automation is only part of the equation.

Who would have thought increasing supply would decrease demand...

Attached: FT_19.06.12_Five-Facts_unauthorized-Immigrant_Featured-Image.png (1128x634, 70.06K)

that productivity boost was just from cocaine