21 year old spanish girl.
Ive had 7 sexual partners.
Leaning towards right-wing,
What else do you want to know?
Ask anything
how do i become an cartel owner?
Tits with timestamp or get the fuck out.
>What else do you want to know?
If you'll be buying a diary anytime soon?
I don't know about that. I think you have to be mexican or colombian.
Unless you've been married 7 times get the fuck out.
tits, timestamp or
>get the fuck out
Tits or gtfo
I'm not doxing myself, sweetheart. You get the fuck out.
you will never be a woman
You don’t need to dox yourself to post tits with timestamp
How much do you charge? Is it in line with standard rates within your regional market? How do you determine business expenses for tax purposes?
Why gipsy portuguese guys always this rude? is because your women have mustache?
Have you tried bbc?
No. I don't like niggers. Ive only fucked white guys.
Post tits with timestamp now you dumb whore
>Ive had 7 sexual partners.
whore, get out
you think your tits are so fucking unique that they'd "dox" you? lmfao. i hope that's not the case, for your sake.
learn to sage you stupid fucking newfags
You will never be a woman
Are you into white American guys?
this desu
de que parte d espana es?
Sweety, you have to get a gf. I'm not showing you my tits.
What that mouth do?
You know the rules. This is a LARP /sage
>I'm a girl look at meeee
don't care roastie
btw 7 dicks means you are less valuable than a 21 year old girl who has had less partners
SAGE has been planted and you can fuck off
Yes you are, with timestamp
You and I should get married. I can offer free healthcare
Ive fucked one american guy. Decent sex.
why do you hate the men of your own country so much?
>id: Clit
show clit or GTFO
Tits or gtfo
Do you race mix?
O.k. Sharpie in pooper with timestamp then
Find a woman thats had less than 7 dicks in Z generation prick
maybe we want this thread at the top cunt
los dioses de pol lo ordenan: tits w timestamp
tits or gtfo
gostas de levar com choriça no cuzinho, muchacho?
Shut up and post tits with timestamp
it will be gone soon
Tits or gtfo
Nothing fuck off. And thanks for the spics.
>all these simps
women are in the sad state that they are because of sad horny men who just HAVE to reply to roasties. They can't even fathom not talking to whores. Pathetic coombrains can't ignore whores even though pussy is literally everywhere
No tío, no voy a enseñarle las tetas a esta panda de degenerados. Lo siento, las españolas tenemos más dignidad. Al menos yo.
hope you simple-minded nincompoops realize you're fantasizing over a tranny. lel.
Fine, just tits. No timestamp.
Why franco no come back tho?
What do you think of Basque people?
this, just show us your cock dude
Fake and gay
>21 year old spanish girl.
>Ive had 7 sexual partners.
Do you spit or swallow? I’m only asking because my girlfriend spits my coom but swallows our bull. It’s a little frustrating
disgusting man LARPing as a woman
kys trannie
you will never be a real woman
My gf who I've been dating since high school who is autistic and has literally no friends
You are talking to a tranny larping /thread
Post tits with timestamo NOW YOU FUCKING WHORE
Im not a tranny.
> fornicate with 7 men by the time you're 21
> "leaning towards right-wing"
you're a whore and therefore a leftist. Repent or die in your sins.
Wrong Fucking race you asshole!
Tits or GTFO. Those are the rules.
Yeah no bitch, u be craving that bbc. U just scared of fucking a real nigga like me. U don't want no white boy with a tiny cock you feel me. Ill treat u real good. shiiit
Tits and timestamp or gtfo you ugly tranny
I swallowed my ex and I didnt like it its gross
Ur city?
Women don't exist on the internet.
why are you even here? you're a whore.
>not saging this dumb sluts thread
Tits or GTFO
>"oh look there is a young woman surrounded with men"
>"Ima gonna go there and show how little I care about her thats going to win her over!"
you arent fooling anyone
are you proud about being a slut?
>> 17 years old Spanish using sweetheart.
Stop larping
How come you guys got mexico first.
>7 sexual partners
>21 year old
>Ive had 7 sexual partners
de puta madre kek
Fucking 7 guys is the opposite of "dignity".
Tits with timestamp or get the fuck out. Those are the rules here
I'd like to know why you think anyone would give a shit what you think on the basis that you own meat curtains sweety?
que haces aqui entonces?
Some of my friends have had many more. Its a common thing outside Zig Forums guys
>lists only sexual partners shes not related to
youre not right wing. theres no such thing as right wing women or blacks or jews. youre an opportunistic nigger. thats all youll ever be dumb nigger whore.
tits, let's see em.
Show us your feet to prove that you're not a tranny
> Doxing with tits
Unless you’re all tattooed like whores these days are, nobody remembers your tits week after they had their way with you. You’re not special.
que coño haces en pol?
I want to know why people are bumping this thread
Why am I?
whores get the rope, right wing or not
You are my girlfriend
Have you tried anal
Ay chiqui no sé hablar con estos degenerados a ver qué se cuentan
>thinking that I care about that shit
nigger I'm here to admonish the so called men who reply to threads like this. I don't give a fuck about any roastie they are all replaceable. But seeing men simp and spiritually debase themselves is so sad I have no choice but to intervene
Bonjour seniorita me gusta tits por favor
That's not an achievement you stupid tranny
Don’t care for retarded stories POST TITS WITH TIMESTAMP RIGHT NOW
And you honestly think it's ok? Do you think any alpha man in his right mind would prefer used goods?
Tetas o andate a la mierda de aquí.
No way!!
potential tits
So you are a whore in denial? Do you envy your cum dumpster roastie friends?
newfags cannot sage
That doesnt make it right. Plus, no one cares.
>Ive had 7 sexual partners.
>Leaning towards right-wing,
sure thing buddy, every one of us have done what you are doing right now, it never works, everyone just sees right through it
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
nappy ass nigger thinks the meme is real
no, boy, i've already told you, you only get our rejects.
we're whittling down to a more refined breeding stock such that being white is once again White.
and you're doing a great job of convincing Whites that there is no hope of cohabitation. please keep it up!
Okay guys I can show a foot so you see I am not a tranny BUT no more degenerates bump this
a tomar por culo
can you at least prove you're a woman somehow?
like 1% of 21 year olds have had as many as 7 sexual partners, so this is definitely a larp
most women have less than 7 partners throughout their fucking lifetime
put a bag over your head or just take the pic with your face not in the photo, do you know where you are ?
You are not a woman . You are an abomination.
Just because something is common, doesn’t make it appropriate.
Canadians fuck dogs but that doesn’t make it acceptable
i think you're fairly chaste by the day's standards.
i find you charming
You’re missing out. I love it. The feeling of a big horse cock in my ass is out of this world
Still waiting for your ugly tits to be posted so we can all point and laugh at how saggy and disgusting they are
timestamp it too
still fucked too many.
Poor guy took the call
why cant you just mary without fucking with all the neighbourhood before?
does 7 is your real sexual partners count? (rules of 5 suggest youve got sex with 49 personns)
How many times do you think you’ll orgasm when you get gang raped by arabs?
Both feet or gtfo
Clearly you havent met many girls my age sweetheart
Is 23cm the perfect size for a cock? Do you prefer bigger?
Usually right wing values more stable relationships over hoeing. So far you are just what we call in my country "vasito de agua" porque no se le niega a nadie.
Why would you consider yourself right wing?
You will never be a women
Come on u bitch show tetas. Imma fuck that little ass n shit bitch you show me the culo and tetas bitch lets get it real good u fell me bitch
Do you take it up the shitter?
Just sounds like you're projecting your thoughts onto me. The problem is you think like a simp
Then gtfo, you know the rules.
Id rather see your stomach or your neck
De Madrid.
What are you 30? 35? Can you even have healthy kids anymore roastie?
>Ive had 7 sexual partners.
>Leaning towards right-wing
You're a fucking moron.
"Us Spaniards have more dignity than that"
I literally laughed out so loud it woke the dogs.
I'm an Aryan dude living in flag related and I've banged more Spanish chicks than locals, hands down. Anecdotal evidence says you're a whore
awwww shieeet nigga i tasted dat bbc, dag baby yo azz was tight, mad tight dawg, i fill dat thang up wit babies dawg, comon nigga dont be playin, you know u only love dick muthafucka, dont be playin for dese triflin bitches come over here and jump on bbc and ride me like a monkey
Classic Turkey
lmao boys the one time you get to interact w females you end up convincing yourselves they’re dudes
You are not a woman .
-30 year old tranny
-dozens of rando alley sex partners
pues se cuentan q hasta q no pongas tetas con timestamp no eres una mujer
las reglas estan para algo
Have you ever shit your pants?
Tits or GTFO
go to literally any university in any western country
So, as you keep behaving like this and your demography turns in favor of aliens, will you then proceed to fuck arabs and other shit?
or maybe you're coping whore, who hangs out with other whores
all fields
(_))======D~~~ ( . Y . )
Es verdad. These guys all "alpha" are very imbecile
>all fields
I don’t think you know what that means... newfag
U a bitch ass nigga white boy we got ur women good they crave the bbc u can go fuck the chinese bitches but they be cravibg that bbc too lol
Doubt you have a vagina.
Si lo que quiero es sexo casual te pareceria mejor que te sea directo en vez de mentir o fingir que quiero ser tu novio?
Pahahahahah relatable
>fuck off
>im a girl
>i fucked people
damn, shes boring