Why does the left claim to love science, but refuse to accept the IQ-race gap?
Why does the left claim to love science, but refuse to accept the IQ-race gap?
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das raysis
They value social cohesion over the truth because the truth hurts.
neil degrasse tyson is black and smarter than you will ever be :)
Thanks doc
because they're brainwashed fucking retards
here’s your 25% of a cent for today’s post
Because it was never about racism, it is always about killing whites.
If you know South African history and still ask this question, then you are dumb and deserve to be killed.
The problem is there is no social cohesion because of the clashing disparate ethnicities and cultures.
Because that gap is almost certainly induced by socioeconomic conditions. There is a lot of science behind it where instead of racial IQ-gap it's studied as a gap between the middle class and the poor.