They already killed Kemp's daughter's boyfriend, and Kemp backed off calls for a special session. Now, it looks like the CIA is going to wack Giuliani.
Is their plan just to keep killing people until this goes away? Do they think they're just going to steal an election and intimidate everyone into silent acceptance?
This whole thing is moot at this point. If widespread fraud can't be proven in court, and nothing can be done about the "theft" and those driving the opposition are compromised, then what the fuck does it matter? The real demoralization campaign is the elite telling citizens that there is nothing they can do to prevent their agenda moving forward.
Yes, this zionist neocon who was involved in 9/11, helped (((silverstein))) make millions off the deaths of thousands of Americans, and then went on TV for months trying to get us to bomb the middle east for Israel is such a big threat to the system! Rudy, Bush, Cheney and the other usual suspect neocons are all based!
CIA you are blowing your cover for the color revolution so fucking bad. Your higher ups will sell out the peons for slaughter. A critical mass of.people don't believe the media anymore. Bail out, I repeat, bail out
Hunter Clark
Isaiah Smith
>This whole thing is moot at this point. It's not moot at all because Rudy was making great progress, e.g., exposing the hidden ballots video and forcing the Georgia legislators to watch it
>If widespread fraud can't be proven in court, It absolutely can be, but you have to get past the motion to dismiss phase, and you just need one single judge to do that. Just one judge doing that means the entire election gets overturned because every state was doing a version of the same fraud
>and nothing can be done about the "theft" See above
>and those driving the opposition are compromised, Link?
Giuliani is doing important work and playing a critical role, and his work and this effort generally isn't moot at all. That's why the CIA is murdering him.
Jaxon Davis
General McInerney is right, at this point just declare martial law and military tribunals.