

/election hitman here/

Who am I >Election hitman: The story:


I was contacted at a PAAC event at Queens Park (govt building) in Ontario. I was a young post-graduate lobbying student. I asked "how can I get a job at your firm" (they make big $$$$) they said you can volunteer, and boy do we have the job for you. I was put on 10 different councillors campaigns.


Because i'm not a sperg, and know how to pressure people I was used a "high pressure" sign guy, a cog in a machine made up of lobbyists in interest groups. I was paid in cash, by sussex, not the campaign. THIS IS ILLEGAL. The councillor's denied knowing I was paid, but that is obviously a lie. They knew where the help was coming from and didn't ask questions. Not one. They didn't report this paid help in their campaign expense report. This is highly illegal. This is how an election gets rigged. Not fucking counting votes incorrectly, but paying people like me to act like your peer to just convince you of whatever it is they watn me to convince you of. 5% of the electorate are "Swayable" these people are our target. 95% of the election is decided before the first vote is cast. Our goal is to manipulate, use tactics and pressure people into thinking a candidate is better for them, while it is not. It is better for big lobbying firms. This can be expanded. How could you track if vote counters were given envelopes of cash? I was paid thousands. For a huge lobbying firm this is not a big deal. They give each "volunteer" 1,000$ in money and say do X for Y and don't talk about it. It happened to me, it was documented and I have proof. It most certainly happens in America. Unions and Lobbyists use the same tactics. This is ELECTION FRAUD.

Attached: paidpartisaperk.png (787x783, 55.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


if you want a real theory of election fraud, this is the one. Look at where the people who work as vote counters or "volunteers" work, or who they've contacted. You can follow these traces quite easily. I got 6 sitting councillors elected using this very method. Don't believe me? Even canadian MSM reported on it calling it a "legal grey area" (aka fucking illegal)

another article about me, possibly more coming tomrrow. Help me talk to someone in America about election fraud, send this to people. My twitter is @kevinShaynes and i'm not afraid to speak out. Please fucking anons i'm being muzzled and paying for private security.



full PDF of convo export of VP of municpal affairs of sussex strategy ANGELA DRENNAN.


Angela Drennan (sussex)
Jamie Besnar (sussex)
James Pasternak,

Frances Nunziata,

Jim Karygiannis (who has since been removed from office for a campaign spending violation),

Mark Grimes,

Stephen Holyday,

Michael Ford and

Jennifer McKelvie.

(nick mantas running for seat)

(manna wong, running for seat)

i'm back for a bit, any questions let me know.


AI bump

guess not. Night Zig Forums

Is this from a recent Canadian election?

Very few online at the moment.

lst bmp