>most bands are racist
>most bands support gun rights
>most bands despise jews
>lyrics about not getting cucked and hatred towards normies
Black Metal is the only music you should listen
Other urls found in this thread:
almost got my knees snapped in half at a Marduk show once. good times
It’s called African American metal now bigot
Wrong faggot, classical is the best genre. Metal is for completely tasteless, degenerate faggots. Only numbskulls, overcompensating dipshits, degenerates, meth heads, virgins, and spineless little shit teenagers listen to metal and actually think it's cool. You ever wonder why a cute blonde won't let you fuck her it's because she's repulsed by your taste in music. The patrician choice is classical, and if you actually want to hear some talent jazz (Bix Beiderbecke, Chet Baker, etc) are the obvious choices. There are many other genres that are lovely too (folk, for example) and actually take some talent and sophistication to produce but yeah overall metal is terrible. Black metal is possibly the gayest genre ever invented. Go clean your room faggot mom is gonna have dinner on the table in 20 minutes.
At least post some good stuff, you poof.
Cringe and bluepilled sneed in all fields.
Black Metal is tryhard crap
List to 80s Hair Metal instead, it's nu-male repellent
based. Throw in Chopin, Grieg, Erik Satie, Scriabin, Georgy Catoire, Paganini, and
Robert Schumann for me too.
Canadian IPs need to get autobanned
Serbian BM is good
Black Metal is hated by Antifa
nah, we have culture here, J. S. Bach is the only concertos you shoyld listen, with the exception of Mozart.
Too many normies listening to black metal half-ironically these days. This guy is right:
Shut the fuck up underage memeflag retard
As someone who grew up listening to BM. listens to BM, and sometimes make BM :fuck off.
We dont need more posers in that bloated genre. Everyone of my friends listens to some other genre too.
Normies wouldn't listen to songs with lyrics like this:
Strength and discipline unmatched
Bright courage - dark morals
A fortress in the waxing storm
A march to a certain death
To the death's head true
From Tiger 1 to 2
See the despondent foes flee
...from the 503
Donets - Kharkov - Zitadelle - Dnjepr
Kirowograd - Tscherkassy - Winniza - Carphatis
Strength through utter despair
Dreadful fats - grinning jaw
Death on caterpillar band
Cutting through like a rusty saw
Thick wall of hate and steel
Proud nations on their knees
...of the 503
Tarnopol - Caen - Orne - Budapest
Plattensee - Tyrnau - Mistelbach - Budweis
To the death's head true
From Tiger 1 to 2
See the despondent foes flee
...from the 503
Force me to lefcuck piece of shit!
>Black Metal is hated by Antifa
Hair Metal is hated by the left and faggots in general because it's testosterone filled and heterosexual
Hair metal was ZOG's first attempt at turning normies into faggots/trannies.
hair metal is the faggiest most subversive shit ever.
Jesus Christ is KING breh.
>thinking you're provocative because you're listening to black metal in 2020
fine, be "that guy", then.
I listen to both, on one hand metal is excellent for working out and the other classical is superb for study. Kill yourself you fucking faggot.
>Classical is best
There are many other genres that are lovely too
Could you have made that sound any more gay without typing out moans?
>Black metal is possibly the gayest genre ever invented
I'm guessing you've never heard of bubblegum pop, teen pop, or seen kpop fans.
>Serbian BM is good
No it's fucking not.
French, on the other hand.
i actually listen to music with zero thought for what the artist's political/social beliefs are. it's why i don't use twitter.
Love that cover
Loud noise, not good
yes it was, aint it obvious these fucks are all llil bitches ?
>if I only looked like Mother
oh no nono
Ok. What bands are widely recognized as good in the genre and based?
I never said Black Metal was pozzed, just tryhard
Nothing triggers the trannies more than glam metal chads
Sounds fucking awful. Why does Zig Forums listen to this loud satanic stuff?
fucking kek
i find music annoying, no matter what genre.
i prefer quiet.
whatever vibes your vibe
Black metal doesn't work
You know, because it's black
unlike you, i remember marduk from a time when they were new. but it's ok, you're probably a thirdie and think you've discovered some new hot thing so i won't hold it against you.
it's like emo music but more unintelligible and with an anti christianity/satanist gimmick
Glam is the most Chad music in existence, the most heterosexual form of Metal
Hair Metal artists were swimming on pussy
Obsession with music and centering your identity around it is what niggers do. I don't want to be a nigger like you. Herb'ed faggot.
None. BM/NSBM is for the most talentless slugs out there.
At least the RAC bands approach the mediocrity of Kiss; quite a few of them are actually enjoyable to listen to
Its an aquired taste. I once said the same thing. You have to make some efforts until you have the declic, in that sense its just like classical music
No. I've listened to black metal for 20 years straight.
>black metal
>not power metal
up to their hair swimming in it, my mothers lesbian male daughter
who are you kidding
Power metal is full of pro--jew feel-good leftyshit bands such as Stratovarius
It makes my ears bleed.
The only demographic still listening to jazz and classic in 2020 are metalheads. I aint making this shit up
You're right. Edgy teens who are still in their WWII Fixation period listen to songs with lyrics like that. Frankly, I tire of the fixation both these people and the people in kikewood have with WWII. Yes, it was big, bold, a clash that kept on going, but that's not everything. You read up on some korean/nam war shit and you start to realize that the horrors of the war were quite tame compared to these jungle and urban hellholes. Nothing like getting dumped in the jungle with sub-80 IQ guys and defective rifles, chinks shooting at you from the front, your own artillery shelling you from the rear, and the rumble of B-52 Stratofortresses dropping payloads of chemical fire on your sorry heads. Then you get back and everyone calls you a baby killer.
black metal is for kids, let's face it
Gamma Ray is more redpilled than anything you listen to, faggot.
nah im in my nu-metal phase.
black metal and nothing else or what?
Memeflaging is for subhumans, lets face it