White female role models in the media

Stevie Nicks
>4 abortions
>slept with half of Hollywood
>put coke in her ass
>no regrets
>is alone and childless

These are the sort of people being shilled to young girls.

Attached: 1602845611467.jpg (606x569, 63K)

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>no regrets
i doubt it

Hmmm really puts the song "the chain" into perspective now...

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Fleetwood Mac is garbage
Elton John is garbage
Beatles were garbage
Lou Reed was garbage
Bob Dylan is garbage
U2 is garbage

>>put coke in her ass
sounds hot

But Fleetwood Mac already existed before she joined. Imagine if her aborted kids could sing?

The landslide took her down

Attached: fleetwoodmac fans.jpg (657x936, 286.91K)

They're not even that good and they could have replaced her.


Attached: millenial_whore.jpg (1440x1440, 213.81K)