We have come to a point where we need strong men to stand up to the tyranny of the Minority at the peril of the majority. Too long have we sat idle while globalist forces have made decisions for us and this election has exposed evil intent on both sides of the political spectrum. My intent is simple: Defend America from the evil on the left. They have browbeaten us into submission and my question is why can't we say no? Why can't we say that we don't agree with their dogma? I need help in Los Angeles. I will do this alone if I have to but for all the talk of someone standing up, I am willing to start. Join me however you can. The telegram channel is Project
I don't know why jannies deleted my last thread. Any way:
I have fought the forces of BLM and Antifa on many occasions and I have learned how they operate. Even now, they are allowed to wage psychological warfare outside of the Mayor's home. These people are protected, not by guns or security forces, no, they are protected by the apathy and submission of the public.
During my investigations I have discovered many things about this enemy, one of which is there use of women as shields and enforcers. They use these women as a buffer because society says that to strike a woman, even in defense is taboo. They use this to their advantage when confronted by outside forces.
Another tactic they use is hiding their activities under the guise of events such as a "death march" or "die in". These activities are always filled with anti-police and anti-American agents that fill the role of security.
The use of livestreaming has been severely restricted in recent days. The reason for this is because the riots have calmed, the true nature of the insurrectionists has come to the surface and they are not willing to be held accountable for their actions. They will damage property and assault anyone they deem an enemy and right now that enemy is anyone wearing or displaying an American flag or showing any kind or resistance to their movement. They are blatantly showing the world that they are in control and since no one is willing to stand up, they will continue to bolster their forces until America is no more.
Bump for having the balls to take action.
I have had enough of the constant gaslighting and guilt that the left insists is the right thing for us. I am tired of not being able to engage in productive dialogue because people are afraid of getting their feelings hurt. I have set up a channel on telegram : realprojectarvelyn it's ready to go even if jannies don't want to see it here. We can have a million threads about conservative latinas and dumb posts from canada but we cannot have a place for patriots?
In all of my skirmishes with the insurrectionists I have gleaned one important factor: they are cowards at their core. They don't have American values like loyalty, duty and the pursuit of personal freedom. No, they are parasites that hide behind other movements in an attempt to fundamentally change America. I am absolutely sick of it.
Is this Alex Jones? This sounds like Alex Jones. You’re crazy, you faggot. But you’re bretty based too.
How far must we allow them to push the envelope of inclusivity? How many more institutions will they be allowed to infiltrate before we are forced to fight back? We need to do something that is more than a counter-protest. Project Arvelyn is that something more. I have a plan to place patriotic Americans in the positions of power that they are best suited because we need something to lay the foundation for the future of America.