We thought kindness would make things better. It didn't.
White people showed the world that kindness was a weakness
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>White people showed the world that kindness was a weakness
Well, there's always plan B.
Kindness only works with your own Kind.
yea i never understood how white men went from conquering the world to willingly giving up their empires and retreating back to their homelands and then importing millions of your former 3rd world subjects
that's certainly one for the history books.
Jews subverted the White race. The downfall really took hold when women were given the right to vote. Women are politically retarded and easily manipulated to support degenerate shit.
Jews struck once again in the 1950s by forcing whites to integrate with niggers. And then again in the 1960s with the immigration act that destroyed the racial makeup of this country. And they struck again in the 70s with globalism. And again in 9/11 to get more wars for jews.
The only way White race can unite again , it's first had to shed all jewish control.
>we thought
always the 'we'
too obvious rabbi, cut the larping already, it doesnt work
If you think the west is a driven by "kindness" you are truly ignorant.
jews, unironically.
Have you ever met a white person? Have you ever met a black person?
you know the ones that conquered are not the same as the ones that open the doors right ?
go check what every single politician that fought and signed laws for accepting more immigrants in white countries have in common
hint, none of them are really white
>White people showed the world that kindness was a weakness.
>Kindness only works with your own Kind.
Wrong, only to your family and friends
the ones who conquered didn't set any measures in place to prevent it. somehow, not even common sense was passed on to their sons.
it is something to learn from. no more half measures.
This. Christianity is the single worst thing to have happened to the west.
>only to your family and friends
Just like your race and countrymen.
No, kindness is not a weakness, but being lazy and letting your govt legislate kindness is incredibly weak.
both are very true
>the ones who conquered didn't set any measures in place to prevent it.
I guess they didnt feel that it was needed, since they didnt have foreigners inside their lands trying to pass as one of their own while attempting to destroy it from within
>We thought kindness would make things better. It didn't.
You really summed it up that easy. Sad that stupid. selfish people keep fucking up for the rest. Oh, well, let's just kill everyone now
jews have been an issue for centuries, even since the roman empire, long before western expansion into the new world.
anti-semitism is basically European tradition. the issue is that europeans always took half measures with the jews, never getting rid of the problem entirely.
This thread will be flooded with social engineers trying to push all sorts of degeneracy as well as rile up isolated young white males. It is meant for demoralization and to also get you to lash out and fulfill their narrative. It is based on Gestalt psychology and it goes back to Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations. It also has elements of MindWar by Lt. Col. Michael Aquino. Zig Forums is run by the same government social engineers who are also flooding Twitter, Reddit, Godlikeproductions, Tumblr, Black Twitter, etc. This isn't a honeypot, it is a rat maze and you guys are the rats being studied and analyzed to modify your behavior. Know the truth and you will have victory worth hailing in the future. archive.org
Jews convinced us through a lot of propaganda that all of our ancestors were wrong about the world, the nature of man, tribalism, etc. They convinced us that others would put away their tribalism, like they convinced us to do, and embrace a basic meritocratic system. Dead fucking wrong about that one, but they knew this would happen. At this rate, white people will just be a footnote in Chinese history.
due to christianity
the rule book written by the jews dont allow to take full measure against them because "it would be a bad thing"
"its evil" and so on
and now christianity is in decline. the legitimacy of the catholic church is being undermined by faggot pedophiles infiltrating their ranks. was this also part of the jew's plan?
I dont think the faggots is a plan to undermine the church
its a plan to keep undermining white nations since the church is not able to control it anymore
same with the idea that communism is christianity2.0 or christianity for atheists
its the same set of values to undermine a host and aimed at a different group of people
if 1 dont hit, there is always another version of the same thing that will
Wh*te people were never kind lol
ww1 and ww2
not to mention the entire history of europe, with monarchs and other subhumans doing the most vile things
He won’t understand
US should have conquered the entire world when they had nukes and no one else did. Could have brought peace and prosperity to the world.
i hope now we can kill kikes
Good times create weak men and so on.
If someone can find it, there's a lengthy article written by some jew that works to bring in more immigrants from Mexico and the like, written around 2001, can't remember the name of organization he works/worked for. Anyway, he talks about his fear that a lot of them don't give a shit about the holocaust or vatican ii, basically how they need to get mexicans to embrace the elite jewish class. It's a hilariously redpilling article about the nature of jews. Not entirely related to your post, but I really wish I could find it again.
interesting. but this is a risky move. without christianity, jews effectively have no protections. the non-white hordes certainly won't protect jews.
It had no problem with forcing everyone around the globe to join it. It changed with a society.