Forget the Jews, the Jesuits run America's cabal


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no they don't shut up, a bunch of gentiles pretending to be jewish run the whole show, no way are they roman slaves no fucking way.

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>Oi Vey look over there fellow goys

Ok then what is the Jesuits role in all of this? Fuck kikes too btw

i like calling them vaticunts

here's a timeline to get you up to speed:
726 Constantine V marries Irene of Khazaria, Venetian bankers and their mercenary army the khazars are given the choice to convert to ashekenazim by the vatican in order to bypass the ban on usury.
1215 Magna Carta allowed for the creation of the Temple for the Crown who have been the vaticans bankers since the 8th century, and is the only piece of land not owned by the vatican since it doesn't have a title.
1302 Unum Sanctum, vatican says constantine gifted the empire to pope sylvester back in 315, the only proof are frescos painted in the 14th century.
1455 Romanus Pontifex, all land now belongs to the vatican
1481 Aeterni Regis, everyone is now owned by the vatican
1531 Convocation, everyone's soul belongs to the vatican

>It's NEVA da JooOooOooos!


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fun fact! Rudy is in the jesuit Georgetown University Hospital right now. food for thought.

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So how then do we get from 1531 to 2020 in USA. Are the Jesuits just freemasons just Presidents just skull and bones just good ol boys

>Forget the jews
kek my sides

There has never been a kike president. I'll do my damnedest to make sure we continue that.

Maybe its the ILLUMINATI?
Or those pesky MASONS?
Or... or...

Nah, it is the Jews, occams razor.
No elaborate sekrit society and esoteric interplanetary alien space magic.
Its the plain o jews, known to do this shit for thousands of years.

>There has never been a kike president. I'll do my damnedest to make sure we continue that.

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you forgot papal bull 1555 which states jews are to be kept in poverty forever. why are there super rich fake jews? cause they ain't jews.

>he doesnt realize that the Jesuits are simply the continued legacy of the Knights Templar
>he doesnt realize the Knights Templar discovered Kabbalah and fused it with Gnosticism

They're one in the same

Yes they do, but jews are their primary support. Jews need to be removed. Period. Yes, so do the vatican and secret societies that report to the jesuits.

That's more what I'm trying to uncover here. I don't like Jews or Jesuits, but I'm pretty sure they are the same group and know each other. I mean are there any "good guys"?

The word "Jesuit" is just a euphemism for Jew.

>why are there super rich fake jews?
Ok but then why are the super rich fake jews trying hard to bring about the destruction of the world via one world government and these fucking covid19 vaccines?

>There are Jesuits in this thread right now

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So you are saying trump lost or Rudy is about to die?

Pretty sure the implication here is “because they are jesuits”

Again this thread is ultimately about gematria and it's uses. Clearly jesuits use gematria. Do they use it for sacrifices or to counter jew gematria

because the fake jews are grandsons of cain through adah and esau, they want to get rid of the kingdom of edom which belongs to esau and give it to cain their grand dad. they're amalekites.

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As in an organization with real power?


The good guys are the true believers in Christ. This is a spiritual war.

So are they just another shit jewish group then? I always thought they were somehow operators in Christianity? And where the fuck do the masons fit in all this?

>So are they just another shit jewish group then?
no, they're just semites, not jewish, you have a mental problem. you're watching the kingdom of satan split into multiple personalities and they're all attacking each other. esau's twin brother is jacob, jacob wasn't born israel, nor did he give himself that name, but he was cain in his past life. jacob is cain, esau is ares the god of war, his twin brother. jacob is the top half of evil, esau is the lower half, that movie twins with arnold and danny devito pretty much sums it up, the midget is saturn, the big dumb one is mars. it's all SEMITES, they're not jews. if an arab is a semite, it cannot be a gentile if the fake jews are semites and claim to be jews, get it? they're gentiles.

Freemasons are the f2p version of the occult secret societies (you still pay fees but don't need crazy connections to simply join)

Its just watered down Kabbalah-Gnostic teachings. But becomes less diluted the higher you go.

Thus the highest rank of the York rite is "Knights Templar"

Very based. I always jokingly called members of the Synagogue of Satan Amalekites, but I didn't know that they actually WERE Amalekites. I did know they were Edomites, of course.

Project Runway programming. They had a contestant "kovid kapoor" who used facemasks in 2019

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So there are no good guys in any of this? So who's backing Soros and the CCP attempt to take over everything and Bolshevik communism? Who's backing Zionism? Who are the real Israelites?

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