"33" popping up all over

What does it mean?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It means it's fake

Jamal Adams is blowing up, indeed

Its part of project mayhem 2033.

Unification of intention. Willworking is afoot.

it means your meds haven't been taken for quite some time

It means it's time to take your meds.

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It's Gematria bro...numbers + numbers coded as words, all part of Jesuit/Kabalah rituals.


I'm not too good at explaining it yet, but this guy is. You're welcome in advance. YHWH bless you brother, get good with The Most High.

33 just is how many days have passed since you've taken your meds.

I'm pretty tired guys. How about you?

Google "33 new cases." Multiple articles in the last day.

rong gong nigga

33 is a number of the Illuminati

>pic sorta related
This was crazy to me when I started to learn the numerology and the day I found this I never forgot kek

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it's the magic number

September 11 3BC

9 + 11 + 3 = 23

A covid is a cubit. An ancient Egyptian cubit was 21 inches (2+1 = 3) "covid" also reduces to 3 in the satanic cipher.

They rolled out "COVID-19" exactly 19 years after 2001 - the year in which they conducted the actions on September 11th.

September 11 ( 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 ) = 9 11 3

When they use 19 they reference both the 1 and the 9, but what is also implied is the reduction 1 + 9 = 10 ; however in their numeric systems the zeros have no meaning and can be stricken. Thus, 1 + 9 reduces to 1.Therefore 19 esoterically means 119 , or 911 reversed.COVID-19 is then understood be be esoterically 3 11 9 or 9 11 3 reversed.

a brief summary:

The first prime number is 2
The second prime number is 3
6 = 2 x 3 or 3 + 3
9 = 3 x 3 or 3 "squared"
11 = 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 (11 is a prime)
14 = 9 + 1 + 1 + 3
23 = 9 + 11 + 3 (23 is a prime)
33 = 3 x 11
37 = 14 + 23 (37 is a prime)
69 = 3 x 23
99 = 9 x 11 (or 3 x 3 x 11)
666 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 37
777 = 3 x 7 x 37
888 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 37

The current god of this world cannot create, it can only mimic.

September 11th 3BC - THE EVENT
September 11th 2001 - their inversion of the event

God was born into His creation in the evening of September 11th 3BC... and His name is Jesus.

Romans 10:9-10 King James Version (KJV)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

satan has everyone looking for a chip... a chip doesn't change the vessel. An RNA rewriting vaccine will.

Salvation is a gift for the sons and daughters of men. Rewriting your genetic code will close the door to you - you will have messed with the work of His hands. You will no longer be His creation. You will carry the mark within your genetics and you will be irredeemable.

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The content number: H002279024

6+9+8 = 23 (unreduced)
6+8 = 14 (reduced - bottom numbers)

23 = 9 + 11 + 3
14 = 9 + 1 + 1 + 3

Attached: aaaaa.png (667x905, 345.53K)

Something very amazing is going to happen that will stun the world.

Most will think it is a good thing...

Do not be deceived.

23 = 9 + 11 + 3

(read the shirt)

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Its comms

Wasn't it 33 dominion machines allowed to be checked out by forensics also?

entertainment media is not subject to the stay at home orders

1+9+8+5 = 23

23 = 9 + 11 + 3

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Look how fast these faggot shills come scrambling out of their holes lol
Hell is eternal, faggots.

Doesn’t Canada get free healthcare? Just go see your therapist schizo denier

Guys check this out

33 days wtf

user, you'll notice this number popping up a statistically impossible # of times in news articles. 33 killed, 33 million, 33 people, 33 destroyed... you figure out what it means.

But the # 33 is interesting.

I'll leave you with a few

At what age did Jesus die?

How many vertebrae in the spine?

How many degrees in "Scottish" Freemasonry?

Something's about to go down.

It means you have to build back better or else you will face a dark winter without a great reset

Attached: joe-biden-campaign-slogan-build-back-better-united-nations-new-world-order-agenda-933x445.jpg (933x445, 90.11K)

Case of apophenia. No different than the '23 enigma' it's just confirmation bias. You see it, you think you saw it somewhere else, therefore you believe you saw it somewhere else, and now your mine KNOWS you saw it somewhere else and fabricates that event. It really is a short staircase to madness.
These gematria-fags are just that, caught in an endless loop of seeing something, then filling in the blanks with mental gymnastics to make them think they're right. Don't sweat it. Look too far into it and you'll go insane making connections where there are none.

first atomic bomb dropped at 33rd degree parallel
jfk assassinated at 33 degree parallel
space shuttle launches from 33 degree parallel
scottish rite southern jurisdiction 33 degree parallel
hollywood 33 degree parallel

>it's just confirmation bias.

Your gaslighting won't work here.

nice additions, user. There are more..

With players like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar(mason), Larry Bird(mason), Patrick Ewing, Shaquille O'Neal(mason) and Scottie Pippen(mason), players who wear 33 now are in good company.

gematric code. the elites communicate to each other using numbers and symbolism.

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Moshiach is coming.

check out this retard.

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How many people?

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Fook off tranny. Men =/= women

No gaslighting you tranny faggot. You're just delusional with numbers like you are with your gender. Whatever, you've been given the answer, now you want the answer that you believe. You'll never be a woman.

You will die in your sins. Remember this. If you do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, YOU WILL DIE IN YOUR SINS.

it means if you dont live in Orange County you are a faggot and getting Comministed by Green New Deal Faggots who want the earth to grow back and swallow every home and business in CA.

Oy vey! Six million people? How could they enforce a lockdown on twenty million people? That's one hundred million new welfare leeches overnight.

33rd degree is the honorary highest degree.
32 degrees refer to the 10 sephiroth and 22 letters of hebrew alphabet.

I mean I’d be more concerned with popular fiction sort of declaring its intent to become reality. But wait that’s the Bible and the Talmud wakka wakka!

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So in a world where I was good at math and statistics would I be tormented by poetry

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I can't believe the American people are dumb enough to just accept such draconian mandates, and for such a nothing burger of a virus. Maybe we deserve to suffer under tyranny for a generation or two, until we realize we've taken our liberties for granted.

Shit dude has AVGN been warning us this whole time??

33 in the news is code to those in the know (Freemasons, and the like) that the story is fake.

Nearly every story that mentions 33 is telling those in the know that the story is a hoax.

>post didn't end in 33

nothing burger.

Rolfe is a freemason, he joined around the time he was putting his movie together.

It really is astounding...How, after 9 months, do people not see how ridiculous it all is? The big excuse I hear is "this isn't about "freedom," it's about keeping people safe"....lol okay

67 > 33
33 < 67

Really brings to mind the quote about trading freedom for safety, huh?

I just yawned really deeply. I think may just go and stretch out in bed, so tired.

It's the magic number.~

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666 satan

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fuck off shill