Speaking of Christmas- how the fuck is our economy going to survive if everybody is locked down and nobody's doing any Christmas shopping because of the virus hoax? No jobs, no shopping, nobody getting back into the black, and everyone getting evicted on Jan 1st. It's kinda like speeding toward a cliff with no intention of turning or slowing down.
AFTERNOON >4 GA Senators call for special session on 12/8. They still need 29 signatures in the Senate and a similar petition in the House needs at least 91 signatures. secure.campaigner.com/csb/Public/show/5is4-2bzvwo--sn1lc-qkxshy9 >March for Trump Bus Tour Rally in Des Moines, IA. The crowd is very High Energy! 17k are watching. youtube.com/watch?v=ei6u9dOU2mA >Trump tweets: "Fox News daytime is not watchable. In a class with CNN & MSDNC. Check out OANN, Newsmax and others that are picking up the slack. Even a boring football game, kneeling and all, is better!" >Rudy Guiliani tests positive for coronavirus and “checks himself in MedStar Georgetown Hospital.” >Trump tweets a Newmax video stating only facts about the 2020 election: "A MUST WATCH! Hope the lawyers are all taking notes. All FACTS, do not flag this Twitter!" twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1335739297459265537 Twitter flags the video as 'disputed'. >It is learned FBI agents conducted a raid in Maricopa county on 12/4 in relation to cyber attack and stolen voter data. Agents walked out with 8 HD's, 3 computers, and a bag of USB sticks. theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/12/06/report-fbi-raided-marcopia-county-residence-to-retrieve-evidence-of-cyber-intrusion-into-voting-systems/
Threadly Reminder: Elena Parent, the blond woman who went nuts about the fraud video being debunked during the Georgia hearing, went balls-deep about Dominion tabulating machines being hackable and a bad purchase back in June. >twitter.com/elenaparent/status/1271544537886920704 inb4shills >Twitter isn't reliable >She didnt say that in a court before a judge >There is no video proof that she said that >Debunked
Tyler Robinson
Chase Foster
It's not, and that's by design. The left is trying to destroy the country in one shot so China can take over. It may take a trip to McDonald's to fix this even if Trump does win peacefully, because the economic system is being weaponized against the people.