Black People

Prove to me that black people aren't specifically targeted by police because of their ethnicity.

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They are, and they should be, because they commit the most violent crime.

We aren't.


They're specifically targeted by police because 12%=50%, not because of skin color.

They're targeted because they commit the most crime.

u dum nigger

Not targeted enough.

It's a postive feedback loop so it will be harder to break but both sides are partially right.

Go live in africa where everybody is black and see how they treat you

I can’t prove that however we can prove that despite making up 13% of the population they account for 50% of all violent crime

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Prove to me they dont commit more crime

But they are and there's nothing wrong with it.
Let's say you play the lotto with numbers 1-10 and the lottery is biased for numbers 8-10 to be picked more than 50% of the time and fully knowing this fact, are you going to put your bet on any number from 1 to 7?

Black people are humans.
Humans are not targeted by their race.
Black people are not targeted because of their race.

If black people are targeted by their race, white people are also targeted by their race. If not, black people are not human.
Black people are human.
Therefore black people are not targeted because of their race.


>1 POST BY THIS ID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This board is an absolute shithole.
In all fields.

Prove to me that they shouldn't be.

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>leaf policing the internet. flaccidly.


Blacks get arrested for crimes-> Black crime statistics spikes-> Cops check on blacks more. Repeat. You can start from anywhere in this loop.

To deny the influence of prejudice in the statistics (whether you believe it is warranted or not) is disingenuous.

>in b4 blacks should not commit crimes then

I'm not saying prejudice is the reason for all black arrests like some braindead people, but I am saying it has some amount of influence that leads to overrepresentation. The extent of the infulence I do not know.

Prove to me you aren't a bitch ass faggot

coon coon
dumb baboon
chimps all night
sleeps till noon

>bc it’s cross cultural

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They're targeted because if they knew the small hats were the original slave owner/traders they would stop being cannon fodder.

>asking us to prove a negative
>when logic requires the positive existential proclamation bears the burden of proof
I'm ready to genocide you animals.

I can’t. Everyone’s after bbc these days

prove that they are equal

a black what? is it related to the nigger in the pic?

Sounds like fun but I have to check on dinner.

At this point I don't care enough to argue. I've been in so many arguments it doesn't matter anymore. They kill themselves by the thousands but one cop shoots a nigger and suddenly it's an epidemic. I don't care. I don't have enough energy to argue.

Yes, niggers, cops are targeting you. And that's a good thing. I wish more of you were targeted and rounded up and killed. I don't have any empathy and I never will

Those 13% stats are bullshit.
It's more like 6/7% considering it's mainly adult males commiting 50% of the crimes.

>specifically targeted by police because of their ethnicity.
>systematically hunted etc.
Dresses like this while being "hunted".

Attached: niggersinpublic.jpg (500x332, 33.13K)

black people are spooky, they always want sex and money

Not how it works in America, you have to prove the cops are guilty of targeting black people unfairly. Innocent until proven guilty. EOS.

They should be, but I don't think they are.

Attached: 13 is also.png (1080x1080, 33.64K)

>not all blacks are niggers!!!!!!!!

Why do most people assume asians are smart? Why do most people assume most white people are trustworthy? Why do most people view back kids acting like thugs wearing baggy clothes are violent? Because humans are good at picking up on things right? That's why good view most blacks as suspicious. Prior experience.