They're trying to get rid of wrestling and weightlifting, but they have room for this shit.
How pozzed are the Olympics?
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Weightlifting isn't a sport
If you guys haven’t seen awakening with JP’s olympics episode... it’s pretty hilarious
Breakdancing is legimitely hard and impressive, and great to watch, what is the problem here?
And breakdancing is? Fucking nigger
cope faggot.
b-boys and b-girls? Not very inclusive! What about b-nonbinarydemisexualpangenders?
Breakdancing is basically just as creative and technical as gymnastics
Weightlifting is just "pick heavy bar up"
Its old, boring, doesn't bring in viewers or revenue
Olympics should be based on modern sports. No one cares about who can pick up heavy thing for 5 seconds and set it back down
They have gymnastics, this is almost a version of that, but gayer
so is me jerking off but i don't get a medal
Jerking off to cherry picked bbc videos isnt a sport
>The Olympic Games
Neither is committing crime, but "y'all" always seem to be going for gold...
I would be more impressed to see break dancing mixed in with floor gymnastics.
Although break dancing by itself is cool. Hopefully new moves are invented.
What the fuck is this shit?
Gymnastics is about controlling the body, breakdancing is just dancing. Twerking will be an olympic event soon.
>Olympics should be based on modern sports.
Then it would be dominated by Fortnite zoomers
at this point, i hope our Olympic team boycotts the Olympics next year because of trump, that way people will see how pozzed sports really is
I never watch that stupid shit, and it is becoming a money loser for the host nation.
I don't think the Olympics has much of a future.
They'll just kneel before or after their event or something dumb like that.
i was training judo at the time when they removed wrestling from the olympics.
my old wrestling teacher was hearth broken.
spear throwing and wrestling.
These are the two things the olympics were based on.
personally. i dont think it matters that much.
the olympics dont pay the athlethes.
all the money goes into the pockets of the people organizing them.
there is NO tradition in them. its just another event whos purpose is to milk the public.
and it is because of this mentality that they will die.
corporate, jewish thinking kills everything it touches.
makes it cancerous. forcefully removes the sould and being from the self.
abolish it. embrace nacional socialism.
kill kikes!
>I don't think the Olympics has much of a future.
Because it's no longer about group identity and competition with other groups, it's about your team buying better athletes from around the world, America, France and GB, aren't competing for the 100 meters, Africa, Africa and Africa are.
you're not listening
what if we can trick the olympic team to not go to the tokyo olympics by pointing out that the olympics is nationalistic by design, which if you go makes you a nationalist and a trump supporter?
we know most of these athletes are shitlibs anyways, why not expose it on a global level?
Aren't they having people compete in street fighter v in the Olympics? That's way worse than this brrakdancingf shit
The Olympics and professional sports are rituals, they can be bleeding money every time and they will still go on. Professional sports especially is used for ritual murders using idolatry.
You wont be able to though, instead of virtue signalling and someone else going in their place they'll just use the spotlight to virtue signal even harder.
Not that I can see. However, there is a Karate Kata event, although you could say that's just because it's in Japan.
>breakdancing is at the olympics
>still no MMA competition