I hate white people. First they colonize our country and then they tell you to fuck off if you are in white countries. i hate them honestly
India will gain wealth until 2050 and show them
I hate white people. First they colonize our country and then they tell you to fuck off if you are in white countries. i hate them honestly
India will gain wealth until 2050 and show them
Other urls found in this thread:
>India will gain wealth until 2050 and show them
Shit economy. You use little pieces of human feces as currency. Everyone becomes rich
stop embarssing me man, you won't get the H1B1
Well, white people left your cunt, when will you leave theirs?
India and Israel are 2 of the only countries not to have signed the nuclear treaty. Can you just nuke those kikes already?
Every place in India touched by Europeans is now better and has a higher quality of life because of it
Also, the most pathetic self-hating posts I've ever seen were on indiachan
Problem is we improved your countries while you fuck ours up
Someone mad
become a toilet superpower by 2030. When Chinese brag about their bullet trains and state of the art nuclear reactor you can show them a picture of your wife taking a poor in a toilet.
By the way, Indians have colonized many foreign countries historically and British colonization was karmic retribution for your past sins.
I wish you'd take all the gypsies back then I'll support India in whatever they do
White people are evil
Don't be another China, idiot. Be prosperous so that your own people have a good life, not to one-up the West.
KEK you hate us SO much yet you rely on tricking grannies into handing over her SSN to afford food. Go back to sewing my underwear you cretin.
Show them what?
Power shitting fantasies?
I like Indians.
Go shit yourself
Well I dont hate you indiabro, even if you shit on the street, you do need to fuck off from white countries like whites left yours
It doesn't matter how much money you get, you will always smell like shit, have brown skin, and be generally dishonest and painful to be around.
Even niggers, the dumbest creatures on the planet are atleast athletic and dominate pop culture. You guys have NOHING,
"super power by 2020"
>Highly successful Asian country flag, unlike OP
It's amazing that they blame whites for their street shitting ways, yet Japan thrives after we left them alone.
t. Gypsy.
India was White in Vedic times, you nigger just come inn and fuck everything up.
Any growth India experiences will be a political move by the west to challenge China which was also artificial through West wealth transfer (communists)
Caste system says, get the tea nigger
my indian gf hates indian men, dont be mad
Nuke India
And still your country will be populated by 100% poors ,So hows it going to change anything?
Top tip , it wont!
Here'a a haiku about India.
>Indian must poo
>Shitting street full, use river
>Dead body floats by
>the dumbest creatures on the planet are atleast athletic and dominate pop culture. You guys have NOHING,
Whoa hold on user, remember this guy?
Tunak Tunak Tun:
and pic related?
Give the poos some credit!
whites are the reason you don't completely live like a fucking animal
India has so many beautiful historical sites. Were it actually a pleasant place to be, it could be such a desirable location.
But the poverty, filth, stink, crime levels and absurd inequality hold it back.
I honestly hope it gentrifies and becomes a half-decent place in the coming decades. But if you think it's better now than it was under British rule, you're deluding yourself
lol get rekt
Nobody cares, Ranjeet.