He's right, you know.
He's right, you know
benis :-DDD
no, he's not
The renaissance was a mistake
ah yes remember all those stories how people went to look at renaissance paintings just to jerk off?
It's worship of man
two totally different things, but a coomer and tranny nigger could never understand that
>these two things are EXACTLY the same.
The things in the bottom took effort to create. Some whore laying around isn't worth appreciating.
false equivalence, fuck off
The so called renaissance was a freemasonic takeover like the so called enlightenment
Yes, puritan christian gothic art > liberal occultists renaissance art
The criticism is technically not wrong but when you take people to the 7th layer of hell they will see the 1st layer as heaven. In a sense it's painting a false equivalence to make a faulty conclusion.
Also the fag in OP is the type invoke your own religious beliefs to get you to do what they want but will be held to no such standard themselves (religious, legal, or otherwise). Reddit trash and twitter trash are hard to tell apart.
>implying I don't hate the enlightenment or Renaissance
What a ridiculous fucking tweet
There is no comparison between the two.
That guy is an idiot
I wouldn't call it the same as modern day porn, but the renaissance was liberal mess.
people used to have statue fetishes
These are the right answers. The Renaissance was cancer. We need to return to the medieval aesthetic and worldview.
Porn glorifies frivolities. Renaissance art glorifies the strive for perfection. While both portray the body the end goals are very different.
There is a difference between artistic nudity and porn, vpn-kike.
I'm against the renaissance as it was the first step towards the (((enlightenment))). That said, a beautiful painting of the naked body can not be compared to 4k video of fat latina piss on midget. One is art, the other is degenerate bullshit.
who is the cop woman?
I don't know, I see a difference between depictions (paintings) of naked people and women actually whoring themselves, maybe it's just me...
nudity is not inherently sexual
art is not porn
Abused whores and works of art are the same thing!
very semitic mindset from that twitter profile
>Comparing Botticelli to Belle Delphine
Might be the most plebeian shit I have ever read in my life.
Imagine your mom was Belle Daphine?
They're wont even be a hint of respect for women in the future.
>it was the first step
Meh, not really. Alot of things could be portrayed as being the original snowball that became the avalanche. Ultimately it seems the hate for the renaissance comes not from what it produced or achieved but rather the desire of those who idolize a particular time attempting to paint a false view so as to build up that time as better than it actually was through the method of "more recent = worse"
>artistic interpretation of the human form that sometimes required months/years of work to complete
>some slag filming herself fisting her front hole on her iphone
i don't think these are the same thing
Not being able to understand the difference is why your culture has never produced a single worthwhile thing.
As much as I dont like liberal ideals I dont like the concept of a world without a sewer system.
im not pro renaissance, the church was infiltrated at that time
>Literal who with orthoprot cross on twitter is a iconclast
>paki has to post this
sage goes in all fields
Depiction of the the perfection of the human form
Some slut on instagram begging dor money from simps
Yea, there’s a huge fucking difference between that and porn, you fucking dolt.
>cologne was always a shitty of faggots.
he's fucking left you know,
And BTW whats more extreme? killing people over a fucking retard dead long ago or seeing naked statues>
fuck off bawbag.
what german city isn't full of faggots?
As a coomer the depiction of the historical art is much more tasteful
Also delphine is a disgusting stank and hentai is superior
The funny thing is that the renaissance wasn’t even trying to do anything new, it was a classical revival.
You're probably right, i don't know what the root of all our ills is. Maybe the protestant reformation? Don't know. The renaissance however is definitely a part of the problem with it's glorification of man. A society that values the material over God is doomed to die.
>Taking your clothes off and whoring on the internet
>Artwork that literally took years to make and shows the great discipline and craftsmanship of person
Fucking retard literally who
An admiration of an idealistic woman and mans beauty does not equate to lust you bunker nigger. Get lynched by real pakis
yes, he is
I'm not "pro-renaissance" but there's a world of difference between the two things he's comparing.