We need a wealth tax

The one that got me was, "1 million seconds ago was two weeks ago, 1 billion seconds ago was 1988".

People (including myself) have no comprehension of exactly how much money a billion dollars is.

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you do understand that people that are worth a billion dollars don't actually have that wealth at their disposal? Its tied up in businesses, real estate, or the stock market which in turn is tied up in businesses and real estate. All of this employs millions of people who run those businesses and manage that real estate.

fucking retard, jeff bezos hasn't "made" his wealth in some salary he takes out every day

>zomg! You don't make big money by working
Labor isn't worth much and it never has been or will be.

You need to CREATE and BUILD something or provide a useful service. Money does not just fucking appear out of nowhere. Some people are just more useful (and thus worth more $) than your incapable faggot ass. You being more broke than you want to be is YOUR fucking fault, nobody else. Jeff Bezos did not take money from you but there is a good chance YOU are taking money away from him.

Here's the thing. What if I can offer a service to millions of people for 1 dollar daily. Should I not be able to serve more people should the supply and demand be there?

>You need to CREATE and BUILD something or provide a useful service.

Not if you are in public sector, or contracting for public sector.

Bezos has sold about 9 billion dollars worth of stocks this year alone. He should be taxed at least 50% for this :^)

Also, you know, interest, and the fact that wealth grows exponentially. And other retarded facts fuck you fuck everyone. I hate you all.

>implying that you don't invest any of the money or start a business or do anything besides stuff money in your mattress or something for 528 years

What if you didn't own anything and it made you happy?

Bezos is worth billions partly because of the data centres he owns. Imagine trying to tax a percentage of that "wealth", forcing him to sell some of those assets. There's only a handful of other companies on earth that would even be interested, and they would also be trying to sell off the same assets in order to pay their taxes. You would destroy the wealth you are trying to collect overnight.

>You need to CREATE and BUILD something or provide a useful service. Money does not just fucking appear out of nowhere.

Most billionaires and richies are just basically siphoning money off actual productive industries. Real value only comes about through real GDP as in goods produced, wall street faggots produce nothing, they're literally middle men, but are the richest of the rich because they siphon off value.

Also you ignore that money = power and that billionaires all start tipping the scale in the direction of themselves, so Government grants to Tesla/Space X were pulled after Musk lobbied to get rid of them, after he took advantage of them.

>nigger commie math tweet
>nigger math is actually correct
>commie message is essentially true

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>actually believing this
>actually advocating as to why poor little billionaires cant afford higher taxes amd that taxing them would suck money out of the pockets of working class people
Holy shit zog has brainwashed you so fucking good that you're actually defending billionaires on the internet for free. You're an actual unironic jannie for zog.

So confiscate it and allocate the revenue made to the countries that are making the revenue

No shit nigger, but do you know that the super wealthy normally funnel their money thru investments, stocks, etc. Like it amazes me how fucking stupid the left is.

Business shares can be distributed across the company's workers. The company I work for offers shares to us regularly for cheap, there are quite a few men who bought shares when they started working here in their 20s and have now retired in their 50s, being able to live off of them.

Real estate is the single greatest problem of actual wealth inequality in modern society. The fact that zoomers nowadays are rent slaves with no ability to buy or build a house of their own, something that would have been incomprehensible only 60 years ago, attests to this. Dispossession of all asset management and private housing companies seems to be the only way here.

Hey retard,
ReadThen read Basic Economics. Put down the marx garbage.

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holy christ please stop posting

It amazes me how stupid you are by thinking that just because the rich attempt to hide their wealth that it means its impossible to find and tax. Oh no they funnelled their wealth into stocks and investments guess we better tax those wow that was hard

There is presently nothing in this world you can build or create that would entitle you to a billion dollars. And the richest people in the world have not done so anyways. Amazon is not a genius idea, it is a collective service that is in private hands, when it really should not be. What Bezos can be credited for is being a sociopath. He is practically and easily replaceable. The same is the case for every other billionaire. What's wrong with Americucks?

USA Jews shouldn't make money when a polish man buys something on Amazon

>believing that the rich shod be held accountable for hoarding wealth from the economies of the nations they were made from automatically makes you a communist
Holy kek. It gets even better. You actually think that anyone who believes the wealthy don't pay their fair share is a dirty communist!
Wow. Not only do you and others defend them for free, but they've actually programmed you to think anyone who opposes them is part of a single evil enemy faction. Its really incredible to see in action, it really is.

Imagine spending your existence thinking about what someone else has. Miserable fucking Commie scum.

Wealth is the single greatest means towards obtaining and exercising power in the liberal world, which is what de facto the entire West is. Of course we are concerned with how it is distributed. Do you recognize on which board you are posting, Americuck?

I mean, bro has a fat wallet and created jobs. So?

You're a sad pos who will never create anything but instead spend your miserable existence thinking about how you can take away from others what they created. Thinking you have a right to tell someone else how much they can and cannot have is peak faggotry.

3% interest for a hundred years yields $500 billion

>There is presently nothing in this world you can build or create that would entitle you to a billion dollars
In your opinion
>Amazon is not a genius idea
It may not be truly "genius" but it is objectively a very successful business model. Billions of more people are willing to shop on Amazon than pay you for whatever skills you may have. Just a fact.
>it is a collective service that is in private hands, when it really should not be
Having the ability for both private and state powers to exist under one nation is more of a blessing than you think. Believe me, you don't one either one having all the power. And right now, government has way more control over your life than Bezos does.
>inb4 lobbying
Different topic for different thread
>He is practically and easily replaceable
Give any twitter socialist control of Amazon and the shit would likely crash and lose all value overnight, taking GDP, workers, and economic stimulus with it.

No, I simply think there are bigger problems than Amazon. And here is a bigger question for you. Suppose we tax the ever-loving fuck out of the mega-rich. What is making the state redistribute that money to you? I'll wait.

>What is making the state redistribute that money to you?
Ideally a pissed off population that has had enough and has started publically killing corrupt politicians.

lol you are fucking retarded

> New wealth tax for cars
> Need to sell one of my six cars to pay it
> No one wants to buy my car because the market is flooded and the cost of ownership is higher
> Go to jail because I can't pay my taxes

How will you implement it, user?

that's exactly the point retard, didn't you read
>No one works for a billion dollars.
Bezos became a billionaire because he monopolized a sector
he didn't invent the sector
if it wasn't Bezos, someone else would have made an online sales site like Amazon
if it wasn't Bill Gates someone else would have made an OS like Windows
and so on, can you name one billionaire which invented something that wasn't inevitable?
so why shouldn't the state nationalize it so all benefit from it, not just those fortunate to get in?

>The government NEEDS more money to give to niggers.

So what?
The man earned that money, it's his. If he makes a dollar from a million consensual exchanges a day, that's a million happy exchanges he made possible.
A man raking it in shouldn't be punished, he is shining a light at an untapped market and your reaction should be to COMPETE with him. We need fewer stem majors and more business majors.

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Yes, wealth comes from the land.

NSW state is completely fucked dude, imagine competing economically to build yourself an income to gain enough capital to start your own business to make passive income and at the same time throughout this extensive task ridiculed process you are essentially paying 25% of your fucking gross income so that sandniggers and niggers live off of your tax dollars instead of helping improve the quality of life and making sure this fucking money isn't laundered by council's through privately owned "non-profit" social programs that do jack shit but make a shithole worse than it already is. They are already defunding my local police department to pay for social programs and are cutting pensions ffs I want to leave this prison colony.

People put waay to much stock in work these days. Imagine being proud of your status as a commoner slaving away.
Inheritance has always been the main source of wealth for everyone. This whole "leave home at 18, refuse help from your parents and indebt yourself for life" American mentality is bullshit. You're born into the class of your family. You can improve its lot a little bit but barring insane luck, leave getting rich to your descendants.

Capitalist here, I agree :^)
Just not on the specific number. Might need to be less or more.

I'm buying a Cessna 172 and getting the fuck outta here.

He does pay capital gain tax on those stocks. Every earning from stock sell off are taxed.
And for record you should be tax 50% because you are very well off compared to poor african children. Wt kind of logic is this?