Fried lice

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Other urls found in this thread:

the china problem is larger than most people think
>not to mention they just created a world wide pandemic that fucked everyone on the planet

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>totally not fake """lose""" translations/captions larp #54372
>sound edited several times to make it unintelligeble
>real captions in the video are censored
>channel logo from the original video censored
>event logo from the original video censored
>no link to real source
>no real date
>no real location
>youtube account publishing the "translation" is a falung gong cult glownigger agency, hiding behind some photoshopped women picture, who is the source for countless "convenient" fake translations and silly fake leaks including foreign insults for the Chinese government in alleged "official documents"
>sources all lead back to this same falung gong cult glownigger account
>but its real some fake twitter account with 3 posts seething about China confirmed it!
>but its real some glownigger twitter user shilling for Hong Kong separatism said his anonymous sources confirmed it
>but its real Cuck Carson is seething about China

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Remember Event 201, memeflag.

Try living here.

its mostly non-whites here. chyna got jewed

shutup ching chong

Why even is America? I mean, it's the current year

6:30pm ish in china, changs are all over the boards right now looking desperate running slide threads and doing damage control.

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blame China goy like your media tells you!

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shut the fuck up chang faggot

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wouldnt it be funny when those chinese come over and see America is all non-white?

cus the Whites secretly left

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Visa hudfärgen Chong

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bump, just to piss off the CCP shills here

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Fuck off Chang

>dont worry about Israel running your government, goy
You're not fooling anyone that matters, glownigger.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-12-08 CCP Expert We Can’t Fix Trump Via Wall Street, But with Biden .png (1050x591, 571.4K)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-12-08 CCP Expert We Can’t Fix Trump Via Wall Street, But with Biden (1).png (1050x591, 587.46K)

Means to say "Made him an offer, he couldn't refuse"

Attached: Screenshot_2020-12-08 CCP Expert We Can’t Fix Trump Via Wall Street, But with Biden (2).png (1050x591, 637.06K)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-12-08 CCP Expert We Can’t Fix Trump Via Wall Street, But with Biden (3).png (1050x591, 605.45K)

this needs to be spread far and wide. we need to unite america against china. they are taking advantage of us

Attached: Screenshot_2020-12-08 CCP Expert We Can’t Fix Trump Via Wall Street, But with Biden (4).png (1050x591, 560.12K)

Let's let this comped nigger tell you. Fuck off chink/jew/tranny/nigger it doesn't matter at this point.


What the fuck
Why would he say all of this

Yeah, China may have colluded with the elites. They all have a hand in the Wuhan lab.

Since it's overall mild, even though it technically should be far more severe based on its receptor binding affinity (even more than SARS, which is quite bad), this can point to a tailor-made critter.

So Zig Forums
Who is it?

Old woman
Big Nose
"inner circle"
dual US/Israeli citizenship
also received Chinese citizenship
speaks fluent Mandarin

Madeleine Albright? Anyone know if she speaks chink?

Probably someone you’ve never heard of but anyone inside the beltway would know easily

daily reminder that rupert murdoch is a communist sympathizer and was married to a gook
> "In early 2018, The Wall Street Journal published a story suggesting that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump,[57] close acquaintances of Murdoch, were warned by US intelligence agencies that Murdoch may be using their friendship to further the goals of the Chinese government. Kushner and Trump rejected the claim, insisting that they haven't been warned about Deng by any part of US government or judicial authority.[58] Michael Wolff, author of a tell-all book on Trump, indicated that it was WSJ-owner Rupert Murdoch himself who spread the idea that "Wendi is a Chinese spy" in the aftermath of their acrimonious divorce.[59]'

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Chong get back to work

The pandemic isn’t real. Until it’s isolated in humans and shown under a microscope I’m not humoring it anymore.

The brain bug is kosher.

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