This will be my first & only post, as I've sat back and monitored the superhuman capacity this forum has shown when it comes to detective work.
I'm speaking on behalf of a few highly-trained personnel who know what's coming, but we believe there's a way to avert coming catastrophe. So we need names.
Those most likely to need immediate disconnection [in Minecraft] from the Matrix server.
Our first signature move will come on 3/22 here: 34.2320, 82.8944
Will only monitor replies. Give us good, hard intel and you'll see it pay off in the headlines.
It doesn't really matter who. It is the HOW that is important. What is message violence? Look at mexican cartels.
Nathan Ramirez
user has a point
Lucas Lewis
No he doesn't, sounds like a fucking schizo retard
It does matter who, and it does matter how bloody it looks. The more it looks like an accident or a natural cause, the better. Those can't be used by the media and democrats to label whatever people as whatever terrorists.
Likewise, murdering a bunch of random people with no influence, no power, is stupid beyond belief.
Grayson Powell
The autistic American spergs don't usually show up until later, I suspect they go to sleep around 3-4am
Jordan Ramirez
Obviously he doesn't mean randoms on the street, he means literally anyone tangentially involved just like the cartels do
Logan Butler
Pretty sure you could start with congress and work your way down from there. Anyone in decision making positions in big banking, big pharma, news, hollywood producers, the cia...
Nathan Smith
If it looks accidental it will pass off as an accident on the news. If it looks like a direct threat there is no way to ignore it. Capeesh?
Aaron Rivera
OP you would get a better response during est evening time. During the day this board is a shitshow of shills and slidethreads
Joshua Murphy
Look at Peter Schwab's Twitter followers, they're no longer hiding in the dark - they're all part of the Globofags agenda.
God bless you and merry Christmas
Michael Adams
Q is fake, stop LARPing.
Jaxson Bell
Bump for freedom over tyranny
Caleb Collins
>34.2320, 82.8944 At the Georgia Guidestones? Fucking LARP
Chase Sanders
41 years too late mate Although I find this Larp is interesting I do like the Georgia Guidestones twist. Good for you for working in the Georgia elections.
Ethan Rodriguez
Just go to DC on January 1st and shoot them up.
Bentley Torres
Fauci. He is not even human, blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands. His crimes are public knowledge, listen to Judy Mikovits.