Now that the dust has settled,
We all agree that race is a social construct right?
Now that the dust has settled,
We all agree that race is a social construct right?
Yep. We are actually different subspecies. Race is a jewish buzzword.
Smart man.
humans are like dogs there are many species and they can all breed.
some dogs are genetically lesser and more violent like the pitbull
Yes, genetic variation within our species is what we see, same as with dogs, if we were of a different kind we would not be able to interbreed, simple as
yes, races do not exist among humans. niggers, however, are not human. they are a different species that branched off from other hominids several million years ago. niggers are inferior to gorillas and chimpanzees in terms of IQ, and are roughly equivalent to homo erectus. dolphins are substantially more intelligent than niggers.
>Race is a jewish buzzword.
True I know white African Americans, but in America, African American is synonymous with "black".
>but in America, African American is synonymous with "black"
It's meant to be politically correct I suppose, after the more correct "negroid" fell out of favor.
Now that the dust has settled. Can we all agree that "sage" without the quotation marks goes in the options field? And can we all agree that OP will never be a woman?
If race was a social construct, whites can't be racist.
Yes. Taxonomy overall is a social construct.
Race is definitely not a social construct. White man here and I plan to have 10+ babies with my brown skinned wife. We already have 4. Currently fucking every day trying for number 5
But what is the significance of creating a distinction between species if not for pushing an agenda? Isn't culture more encompassing/significant towards identifying the individual that physical traits?
Also, wouldn't that mean that all human beings lie on a spectrum of species (because we are all related in a micro sense, and because we are not clones of each other, we will always maintain a certain amount of differences (along with similarities))
Race is what keeps me safe.
Han Chinese will be purged.
I don't know but I am in love again
Racism is but no race is an objective reality common to all cultures in history
There is no settled dust you nigger. What the fuck are you talking about? Race war soon. Day of the rope soon.
What the fuck are these natives called
The agenda that is getting pushed is that race doesn't exist, we are just calling it out for the bullshit that it is.
So you admit there is no such thing as white privilege and that racism can't exist as power+privilege and harassment and erasure of European people's identities is inherently hostile against those people and needs to be stopped even if it means those who do it need to be removed from those places?
no nigger it is not
Must be nice being retarded all the time.
That's based on the out of Africa theory you retard. Your picture illustrates that all other races evolved from niggers after they left Africa.
Society is a racial construct.
>Now that the dust has settled,
>We all agree that race is a social construct right?
What we call "race" = species, and it's a physical reality.