Trumptard logic

Bidentard logic: this pandemic is the worst in a century but we shouldn't punish the country it originated from because that would be racist. we should blame our own president for political points on social media

Americans naming diseases after their country of origin is based,
Corona is the Chinese virus
Black plague is now the Indian virus
AIDS is the American virus.

>Implying the left has any logic when they scream about Russian collusion for four fucking years just to suddenly think everything is perfectly legit.

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If your point is that right wingers are hypocrites? Yes. However, still...fuck lefties. You all deserve to die in the bottom of a ditch.

the fuck is he talking about?

If he did that, the media would have been shilling about how the virus is just a flu and Trump is literally Hitler for locking down the country, killing the economy and xenophobic for banning international flight

Wow so some people think differently than their peers? Wild

China should get punished though.

The only virus to come out of Portugal is the Portuguese