ME: NY can't get anymore repressive. NY: Hold my beer:
New Yorkers May Have to Pay Package Delivery Surcharge to Help Fund MTA With the Metropolitan Transportation Authority facing a budget crisis, New Yorkers may have to dig into their pockets to help out. Under a new proposed bill, New York City residents would be required to pay a $3 surcharge on packages they ordered online, with the exception for medicine and food. Assemblyman Robert Carroll, who proposed the bill, says the online shopping fee would raise more than $1 billion a year "to fund the operating costs of buses and subways in the city of New York."
>New Yorkers May Have to Pay Package Delivery Surcharge to Help Fund MTA Chicago wants to do the same thing but instead of funding the MTA, its for gibs for niggers
You have no idea what Europe is like even Ireland taxes are way higher than New Yorks's. And our cost of living is skyrocketing Dublin is the 9th most expensive city in the world.
that's a perfectly fine white girl ass you realize liking inflated, fat injected, steroid pumped, squats 7x a week baboon asses isn't normal, right? i swear brazilians have such horrible taste
This is literally most of what democrat politicians do. Massachusetts also has a hundred creative ways to tax the lowest income bracket, because fuck poor people. If poor people wanna be treated fairly, they should make more money is the message that im getting
How many BBCs do you think have been in that ass? I'm going to guess at least 30.
Juan Campbell
>New York. >"Oh, look! Another tax!"
Bentley Lee
cringe and negropilled. porn has ruined you, must be especially hard seeing as indian women are notoriously flat, lacking any semblance of muscle tone whatsoever.
Luke Baker
I literally don't even try to spend money.
Kevin Watson
You think $3 is a lot?
I’m Aussie and my mother just sent me a really nice jumper from Australia. Merino wool - $265. She sent it to me at a cost to her of something like $30 postage. It arrived in the EU, in Denmark, and then I receive a letter from customs. I had to pay a $40 handling fee from PostNord and a further $60 in VAT to receive MY OWN JUMPER as a gift.
Sweet jumper but I was pretty fucking pissed off.
William Roberts
Why don't they tax me for breathing air while they're at it?
John Sanchez
When I went to NY in the summer, all public transportation was free "because of the virus" When I took the bus in Harlem, a schizo nigger couldn't wait the extra 5 seconds to get off, so he dropkicked the window. There was a giant crack, but the window made of bullet proof glass so it didn't break. Everybody just acted like this is normal and the nigger got off free.
Jaxson Nelson
You're fruity and you need to fuck off back to Melbourne.
Ian Reyes
I get all packages delivered to my friends business so my packages aren't stolen by blacks or by Arabs driving around in $60,000-80,000 suvs because they get free food, free housing and are allowed to work under the table at their cousins gas station they dump $800-$1200 a month in Pepsi and Coke into from their ebt cards because it is racist to investigate them.
Joshua Barnes
i bet it's warmer inside
Blake Roberts
I’m from Sydney and didn’t need to move to Korea to teach English or feel special.
Lincoln Martin
>Unironically from Victoria I wish I was an English teacher. I'm too much of an autist for that shit. Are you a prostitute in Denmark?
James Adams
>Annual no pants subway day Someone better tell the guys who spend all day masturbating in the subway cars that it only one day per year.
Jacob Turner
Make sure you teach them how to never give your sons an interview and to tell him how racist and privileged he is.
Leo Turner
Taxes are Zig Forums
Charles Cox
No I teach English/history/PE at an international school here. Being a prozzy would have been much easier.
Carter White
I have no idea what any of this means
Leo Powell
Why didn't you go to a better country
John Lewis
Moved here 5 years ago after meeting my gf in Australia. Her visa ran out and she had to move back to Denmark. I finished up the school year and moved. It’s alright here, just fucking cold.
>Shutdown all the Brick and Mortar businesses >Kike Covid policy causes goyim to flee the State in record numbers >No more taxes to collect Hey lets tax deliveries because thats the only business we allow to operate! That wont cause even more people to flee, and create a negative growth cycle where we keep raising taxes, or find new things to tax, because tens of thousands of people keep fleeing the State every time we shake them down for even more money while simultaneously killing job growth.