Out Of Africa Theory

Redpill me on the Out of Africa theory? Is it accurate?

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Yeah europeans came back out of africa after imperialism



no. They believe that someone from africa went to australia and devolved, then someone went to india, became an albino, went to the caucasus with all albinos to have an albino land, populated europe, then mixed with the asians to create a lighter skin color, but albinos in africa create a darker skin color. there are too much holes in this theory to be accurate.

No, Cro-Magnons bred with various hominids and that is why there are niggers asians etc..

Cro-Magnons came from Atlantis\Europe.
The other races extended from Aryans not the other way around.

It’s a globohomo theory that (((usurped))) the leading theory before that we originated in Asia and that niggers branched off and evolved separately in Africa. The only evidence for Out of Africa is one skeleton which was (((dated))) by a kike

Asia is big. Which area specifically?

Stfu retard. You dont know what you're talking about. You're like a toddler trying to join in on a discussion between adults.

There is no basis of fact or evidence for what you just lied.

it's just a theory, as a theory it's fine, the problem is when certain (((sources))) treat it like it's an absolute fact

also, scientists believe that all life on earth originated from the same single cell organism. is it just me or does that sound just as crazy/crazier than the Bible's explanation of creation

It's just a theory to make niggers feel good about themselves. White people did not come from Africa.

where did we start tho

all white people started from usa

Yep. Europeans have the blood of Atlantans. There are some direct descendants though. Berber muslims, Irish, mainly people with red hair though.

The Caucasus Mountain region.

maybe if you were actally not retarded you would understand that the out of africa theory is false. maybe if you werent on hormones so much you could cope with what this theory tries to tell you, and that it does not make sense you dumbfuck

No all of modern anthropology is wrong and controlled by juice

My ancestor. See goy, we all come from the same thing.

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You are stuck in the 90s.
We have new fossil evidence and new academic research.

You need to update your bullshit to reflect 2020.


Greece?? lmao no way

>mixed with the asians to create a lighter skin color,

But Asians are all very dark.

>They believe that someone from africa went to australia and devolved
There is no such a thing as the devolution of a specie in biology

It would make more sense then your "i pulled it from my ass" theory.
Fucking albinos you gotta be kidding me.
Fuck off meme flag.


not all of them, the chinese for example are asians.
they have a lighter skin color than south asians because supposedly they mated with albinos, but africans that mate with albinos remain dark skinned. that is the fallacy of this theory

There are several austrolopthicii and homo skulls from the same area in Africa. It's not just one skull -- also most have been subject of multiple researchers because that's how science works.

It's almost a universal fact that modern homo sapiens originated from a line of primates out of the area that's the Ethiopia today. The biggest argument comes from how did people get to North and South America.

not people with the mongolian/eurasian phenotypes

that is why this theory is flawed. of course they did not devolve, but we are to believe that the most stupid group that barely can survive managed to migrate to another continent

Not really. homo floriensis is a good starting point for this research

Nope. Here's a short video

Niggers that went out of Africa evolved, those that stayed in Africa, still as archaic humans

damn, some people have shit in their eyes. this is actuall y what the out of africa theory believes, this is why they say europeans are white. maybe if you would pull that dick out of your ass you could pay attention.

(((They))) took this from you.

Its not hard drifting on currents on a log.

No my ancestors were not niggers how dare you even suggest so

>Ah yes, the roaming big apes of the Asian Steppes, or the Mediterranean islands

Unless you believe in aliens/creationism, ALL humans must trace their ancestry to the equatorial forests of Africa or SEA (Paleotropic), the only ecosystems to harbor big apes

Ice from the ice age they believed old Asians crossed the shelf between Russia and Alaska.

all you need to know

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>Citing as a creationist as a scientific author.

Don't you have a Trump Won thread to be in?

Meme flag fuck off with your false theories. You're trying to spread bullshit.

there is also some evidence of a supposed negro civilization in south america. I am aware f how science works, but you should be aware that scientists are some of the biggest idiots on this earth. they believe religion is false because there is more than one religion, ignoring them telling the exact same stories and aligning perfectly. there are also caucasoid skulls and remains found in america, as well as remains of giants. but they still believe giants are myth

Actually, its now the Out of Bavaria Theory.

Deutschland Uber Alles

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Shills and nigger lovers out in force.
Fun fact the world's oldest bones found recently was a skull in Europe. Its predating any black bones from Africa by at least 300k years. And modern science refuses to accept it.

stfu, The Alaska question was answered like in 2 minutes

maybe if you have some actual arguments bring them, otherwise you can fuckk off to dumbfuckistan where you belong

No, aquatic ape theory is.

There's also evidence of pre-Clovis settlements in Chile and Peru which some argue the migration path may have started in South America and worked it's way up. Both directions would be extremely difficult so how it actually happened is anyone's guess.

no, buy you need to be smart enough to survive this.the aborigines do not seem the smart type

if that's true than we lightest featured whites really can be called the "master race"

I'd say we already were, but at that time it was the "mazzah" race

Out of Africa feels like a stupid compromise between creationists and evolutionists. I am not like seriously saying that I read this in a science book per se but my personal theory is that monkey's evolved into humans everywhere on the planet at every time. This explains why human remains are found everywhere and people don't know why.

I believe the true Aryan origin story is now Out Of AUSTRALIA, there is much ethnolinguistic evidence for Australia being the homeland of the Anglo-Keltik ARYAN man

Nigger you are so retarded. If whites are descendants of albinos. How come most albinos are the children of NIGGERS like you. How come most albinos come from NIGGER AFRICA.

Its because you are pulling theories from your ass.


Knowledge lost to their civ once they arrived in australia.


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Theres 200k year old 100% homo sapiens skeletons outside africa so no humans didnt come from africa 70000 years ago.


>scientists are some of the biggest idiots on this earth
Go on...
>they believe religion is false because there is more than one religion
Not actually...
>but they still believe giants are myth

I can find a caucasoid skull in any graveyard in America. A caucasoid skull isn't proof that humanity emerged in the Americas -- no one believes that.