Fuck off dixie whites are alright and arent pussies, thats the ones up north
Caleb Brown
Shut your dumb ass up, cuck. Whites are most likely to let a BBC fuck their wives. How many times do you see a hispanic man let his wife get fucked by some BBC?
exactly. Fuck your race.
Camden Allen
tejanos and chicanos aren't the same thing you subhuman invader
Easton Butler
Texas is a nigger spic infested shit hole. A nuke could go off there and the worldd would be better. I want a white only nation.
Jaxson Gonzalez
Im a fucking Dominican faggot, Im a spic too. Dont get pissed at them, a lot of them are good people who arent cucks. The problem is they’re too fucking nice to people and they paid the price.
Liam Taylor
Can you just accept it'll never happen. You white cucks can't do shit right and it takes us spics to fix up your shitty work
Christian Flores
So you want liberal america. Got you. Does your wife's boyfriend feel the same way?
Evan Phillips
How can I be an invader when I was born here? I'm American because I was born in America.
You’re lucky we allow you to live in conquered land, faggot. Now fuck off back to your landscaping job before we decide to cross the pedregal again, Juan.
you're right, blacks and latinos don't mix at all in America.
Nathaniel James
Pussy. hispanics defended the Alamo. Fuck off with your biden votes. We will reclaim this country for Trump without you.
Julian Reed
>I've been on this board since 2015
Spending all your time since 2015 lurking on /lgbt doesn't count for being on /pol you turd faggot...
Elijah Bennett
You defended it against other subhuman spics, then, the white man decided that enough was enough, and then, the next thing you know, Winfield Scott, stonewall Jackson, and Robert e Lee were drinking mescal in the halls of montezuma. There is literally nothing Mexicans have to be proud of.
Sebastian Thompson
Fuck off, spic. The only contribution you've made to civilization is a taco. If you were worth a fuck as a race, you would not have fled your shithole country.
Camden Morris
Spice here too. You are correct . Whites been the knee when accused of bing “rayciss”. Spics respond “chingate nigger!” We’ll show whitey how to embrace fascism.
Oliver Murphy
ITT: a bunch of disgusting beaners claiming credit for what a handful of white Texans are doing.
Leo Wright
we voted them in. Yes we can take credit for who we voted into power. You're welcome Cleetus.
Ethan Thomas
You're right, our weakness is our kindness.
at the extreme we are fucking fags.
Whites are a fucking disgrace right now.
Kevin Hill
Try again, Pedro. Your disgusting ilk are trying like hell to vote them out. Lucky they’re perpetual losers.
Implying this was some coalition of beaners who did this and not billionaire oil tycoons who realize that sleepy Joe would assfuck their industry.
Joseph Wright
Carter Ross
You’re actually right. Too many bought the “Trump is MIGA candidate” line from the shills and actually supported a fucking globalists, CFR and banking cabal puppet name Biden.
Trump only lost support among white men.
Justin Baker
I never said I was Mexican I'm American. And now you're mad that I'll be voting blue when you're the one that pushed me away from voting red because you can't get past my race. How stupid are you?
Ian Brown
The white american has indeed fallen. It’s up to us now to pick up the damn pieces and finish this.
based Tejanos consider themselves white, so this is b8, m8
Ayden Allen
Lmao checked. Look at the top of his head
Ayden Bennett
You should come to terms with the fact that being a subversive, BBC posting, psy-op shilll is the pinnacle of your existence. It's all downhill from here.
My grandmother is an Argie criollo so that makes me Hispanic. And yes I am one of those that voted for Trump.
Many Tejanos, criollo/castizo and mestizo alike fought for its independence. Now we're following in the footsteps of great men like Juan Seguin and Lorenzo de Zavala in the struggle against tyranny.
Paxton just wants to get on Trump's good side so he can get a pardon for his crimes. It is all so obvious, its laughable. He has absolutely no standing to sue another state for how they conduct their elections - and Republicans are cheering this on lmao guess yall like to lose
Noah Evans
What tyranny? Trump has been president, which tyrant were you voting against? Lmao yals rhetoric is ridiculous