I notice that you post no evidence to support this assertion.

Yep. Any minute now... You've been saying this for 20 years lmao.

It originated in China but that doesn't make it Chinese. The Chinese government didn't create it.

Correction: only a small handful of Chinese people eat dogs. Dog consumption will decrease as China develops.

Those WEBMs are from 2004, you can literally find the same for any other country. 20% of the global population in a single nation developed enough to have cameras everywhere. Shit's going to happen and it's going to be caught on camera.

That's not very empathetic of you.

If something is stolen from you then that means you must no longer have it right? Oh what's that? You still have it? Then I guess nothing was stolen after all!

No evidence. Feel free to provide some.

Part of China.
Part of China.
Part of China.

Enjoy getting nuked in return then?

China officially has the largest navy and it's rapidly growing still. China has 250 destroyers on its coastline and South China Sea, the US in a single fleet only has 25 destroyers. Do the math.

Nope, I'm fully white.

Attached: o0e6po6fooz31.jpg (1114x920, 248.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Attached: 1556707477388.jpg (2000x1728, 668.58K)

Winnie the pooh, Tiananmen square massacre 1989
>full white

June 4

>Winnie the pooh
Winnie the pooh isn't banned in China.

>Tiananmen square massacre 1989
Iran, Saudi Arabia, America and many others have killed protestors. What's your fucking point? Why does it matter?

>It originated in China but that doesn't make it Chinese

usa doesnt realize on who its barking

Did you switch proxies and forget ID's?
Xi is Winnie the Pooh
1989 Chinese massacre of Chinese in Tiananmen square.

>Tiananmen square massacre
America would be a much better place if we shot more of our own filth

If I worked in STEM had education in it I would find a job in China.

>Nope, I'm fully white.
No (((bri'ish))) person shilling for China is white.
You are darker than black.

>1 post by this id
there are no passengers on those "trains"

why do chinks always have a UK VPN?

>Xi is Winnie the Pooh
when the free world is about to be lead by a senile perv

>Xi is Winnie the Pooh
This joke is so stale and unfunny. It's reddit-tier.

>1989 Chinese massacre of Chinese in Tiananmen square
They killed some libtards. Who gives a shit?

>he doesn't blindly hate china like its some movie and china are the bad guys
This is your brain on 56%

I'd like to know too, makes the Britbongs look bad.

>reddit spacing
Back to wechat you go

>free world
Ok Mosche

Ok Wang

Attached: xi.jpg (474x640, 40.74K)

I'm an oldfag from 2008 Zig Forums, this is how we used to type.

Kindly reminder to write "sage" (without the "") in the options while making your comment so you wont bump slide threads


Attached: download - 2020-09-29T173054.579.jpg (212x237, 7.21K)

Since you're Chinese what you think about Wuhan ?

>Be a dirty Commie
>Living in filth and pollution
>Eating plastic rice
>Government draws dick on you

Attached: yallow-dick.jpg (1114x920, 430.11K)

Show real flag. Turn off VPN

Why do Chinese keep the cringy communist look? Would you rather structure your aesthetics off of chinese culture?

They've just built a new high-speed monorail in Wuhan. Truly a tech superpower.

Attached: 9ae7cc848c4c4342b0a1888d9c95c0f5.jpg (1024x576, 372.51K)

RNA virus
modified in a lab
chinks caught several times doing this

what proof you have it wasn't made by them? because there is lots to the opposite accusation.

>be capitalism
>hire Chinese workers
>complain about China

Based. I hope China topples America.

How many nations do you see them invading on the orders of the Kikes?

Chinks are colonizing my place. Fuck chinks and bug eyed people.

Attached: 1606450309955m.jpg (895x1024, 128.79K)

>The Chinese government didn't create it.
How would you know, bong? Forgot about that lab right where the virus originated? A lab that experimented on corona? Call it a coincedence if you like, but don't pretend as if there isn't a real possibility China fucked up.

>blindly hate
I have eyes and can see their piss colored pan faces and hear their shrill cat noises they call a language. There is no blindness involved unfortunately.

What about all the illegal organ harvesting? That bothers me a bit


With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese quantum direct-current electricity, quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

Attached: 8ba.jpg (750x962, 253.36K)

>Yep. Any minute now... You've been saying this for 20 years lmao.
>20 years
Nigger china has a history of collapsing. Its cyclical and on a larger timescale than your pea brain can fathom. China will only 'rise' as far as the kikes allow.

You know by your posts it's literally obvious you're Chinese and not British ?!
Stop making fool out of yourself

America is a cancer on the World, always has been

Attached: China_.jpg (1920x1080, 744.28K)

Who the hell’s been saying that recently

Fake CIA conspiracy theories.

Dog meat is delicious, I raise and eat German Shepard regularly, some of the sweetest meat you’ll ever taste

>if you don't blindly hate China, that means you're Chinese.


But there's nothing wrong with eating dogs. It's no different to eating cows or chicken.

China doesn't have anything to be loved, people like you are probably Chinese larping here.
China will never take US place.

>Thread about China
>Posts a picture of the jewish occupied corporatocracy

they are
Their wealth is due to the US and there cheap labor
I have been to china, eating dogs is common
Got me there, I have more empathy for niggers than chinks
Better under British rule
your military would get crushed in an invasion
oh no, 60's era gravity bombs might drop on Gaum or some shit
there navy is mostly brown and green water ships based on old soviet designs. Every war game that is not staged shows the chinks losing horribly
post eyes with time stamps bugmen

Attached: China_military_sucks1.png (1876x2352, 527.21K)

chinks are getting cucked BADLY
it's why they're the ones likely to push the BBC narrative, it's literal projection

Attached: 1607395936144.png (598x782, 448.45K)

Them being unpleasant to look at or listen to is not the root of your hatred.

And you NATO bootlickers are any better?

Seems like CGI to me.

Haha I love how none of these fuckers have nothing to fight back with. Your on top.

Chinese can't fight and they can't innovate

When was the last time chinks actually won a war against an equal opponent?

>China Bad
Yes, China is bad. It's currently rounding people up and putting them in labour camps.
>China will collapse soon
Really unlikely seeing as they are likely the strongest power in the world right now.
>Muh chink flu
That's racist. It originated from China but we have seen no proof it was released deliberately.
>but this webm
Agree with your point.
>insects without empathy
Unlikely, the government is likely doing this for some perceived "greater good" idea. However, they certainly are incredibly totalitarian.
>muh intellectual property theft
That's the weakest argument I've ever heard for being against IP theft. When you commit IP theft you aren't robbing the company of its product, you're robbing it of its money by infringing on its patent/copyrighted material.
>but the death camps
Labour, not death camps. Doesn't make it right to force cultural and religious indoctrination.
>hong kong
We should have never gave it back.
Used to be but not anymore, get used to it.
Oh fuck off.
>but nuke china
Inadvisable, the MAD doctrine still reigns supreme.
>but military action
Biggest doesn't mean best. Pure numbers aren't everything. Still, unless a coalition was formed no singular country would stand a chance.
>but you're a chang
No, but you likely are just an indoctrinated student that has become disillusioned with capitalism because you lived in a poor family. Or you're using a VPN, which is also just as likely.

There is only one China and it's the Republic of China.

Korea, India, WW2...

Then why are they at the top in regards to 6G, AI, Quantum Computing?

OP is MSS glownigger.

This guy has something for you

Yeah but nobody recognises that except some Zig Forums virgins lmao.

Woah... powerful

Attached: 1606955141693.webm (1080x1080, 1.98M)

>11 posts defending chinks
>seems like CGI to me
>seems like
fucking cope
chinese men are beta males
chinese women hate their men so much chink men are limited to literal baboons

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china collapses all the time. just look at its history.

China got raped by a nation way smaller than them in WW2. They are so fragile they try their best to mask that fact in every way possible.

Your commie farce will fall one day and the Chinese people will be liberated from your psychotic boot stamping on their natural rights.

Taiwan is fucked. Taiwanese men are too scared to join the army they had to forcefully conscript them.

Hungry winter

China is collapsing, chang. No amount of desperate denial from ccp will change this fact.

>I notice that you post no evidence to support this assertion.
go live there then faggot...

They're trying to breed athletes, this isn't new, Yao Ming exists.

The PRC has never collapsed burger.

Yeah but they still won dumbass.

>a-any day now

At least you're openly admitting to be wumao with posts like these

>It's currently rounding people up and putting them in labour camps.
Muslims are not people.

Are they in Venezuela even after the economic collapse?

There were bars in Venezuela where whores had learnt Mandarin for their customers.

Attached: 1599478210842.webm (360x640, 1.54M)

>Yeah but they still won dumbass.
Taiwan won. Then when the Taiwanese army was depleted, the commies decided to do their gay revlolution and barely won.

Whataboutism, playing ignorant and dumb, lying, all in the same post.
Guess what, your soviet-era tactics don't work anymore in the 21st ceuntry
>current year

Nope, the Taiwanese military have conscriptions and civilian militias ready to deploy. The Taiwanese have modern American military training and equipment, compared to the mainland gooks who are using soviet era weapons. If you want to see how the chinks do, check out the Sino-Vietnamese war. Also, Taiwan only has two places for a military to land, and those beaches are easily defendable

Attached: Chinasmilitarysucks.png (757x1411, 189.04K)