Does anyone else feel the tide changing and that Trump might actually pull this off? I think it was the Texas one that did it for me.

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the 'Texas one" that just happened three minutes ago? fickle much? we dont need you

No, I’m not a retard.

He’s doing it, Texas just further seals it

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Justice will prevail.

Trump was chosen by God

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Just a faggot ;)

I never thought he wouldn't.
Neither did any other intelligent person.
The media does not pick the president of the United States of America.
Good god.

Lol, no

I voted for Donald. He’s delusional, but he has the right to be given his treatment by the press.
The “voter fraud stealing the election” story is just a cope. None of the lawsuits argue fraud. However, I’m convinced ballot harvesting happened, which is legal unfortunately.

>I voted for Donald.
No you didn't.
Fuck off, shill.

Yes I did, sperg, Donald and R down the line. You’re just disconnected from reality.

You've "felt the tide changing" every day for over a month, aren't you tired of being disappointed?

I was completely devastated the day after the election. Thought it was really over, despite Trump's message in the night which made the Media take their masks off and start chimping out.

I think when Dr. Poo came out with the statistics was when I felt the tide turn. We lived fraud in Mexico in 2006, but we're cucks who didn't do shit, glad to see the USA will fight.

No you didn't.
I'm done with you.

>”everyone who voted Donald is as delusional as I am”
Ok retard.

Thank you for one more delusional screenshot

It is already done.

Nooooo. You can't just undermine the will of the people by invalidating an entire election! Think of public trust!

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4D Chess as far as the eye can see

Texas put in their law suit moments before the Safe Harbour came into effect.
What this has done is stopped the safe harbour provision, but also locked people into their lies; they can't go back and change things now, its off to the SCOTUS

Thank you for one more delusional screenshot


Texas is huge this means the fraud is hard and on paper now forever.


I never had any doubts

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Trump needs to lose. All my parents do is talk about Trump. We don't even live in the States. Why do I have to hear about him every single day

Fuck off Satan

>Trump was chosen by God
What happens when Trump loses? Does your god lose too? Lol.

What happens is post-rationalization


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Have a (you)

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Things are feeling more and more comfy. Everyone stick together, you'll never be a woman, see your family, fuck jannies
Have a good coming Christmas, frens

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Back at you ;)

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Trump will win

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you've dilated every night, arent you tired of not being a woman?

you better be younger than 21 with this faggoty, hopeful bullshit. trump was the white obama. full of shit, hates america, looks down with contempt on his own fan base because theyre such faithful lemmings.

This is entirely illogical but I have almost unwavering faith that Trump will prevail. He encapsulates anti fragility. Everything the Deep State does, serves to empower him and discredit themselves in the long run. Biden's "victory", Media's gaslighting, BLM and Antifa thuggery needs to be witnessed before ruthlessly expunged. I feel more than a little uncomfortable have this much faith in one man but I know he'll serve a second term.

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Thank you, Leaf.

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been feeling it all year

Based schizo

how stupid do you have to be to believe in a deep state that would allow an enemy to become president?

So much projection, you should get a job at a movie theatre

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Boo fucking hoo. Tell your parents to shut up if you’re sick of hearing about Trump. Not our problem.

This news came yesterday. But I also see it as an indisputable silver bullet, as it does not require proving a single case of fraud. Elections officials violated equal protections clause, and I’m pretty sure these Texas lawyers wouldn’t be bringing it directly to the Supreme Court if it couldn’t be proven. Biden officially lost. Sorry

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I feel nothing but massive disappointment. Unless the treasonous and the corrupt are all rounded up and arrested before the years over, its over for this country.