I told you all this would happen. I said they'd kick the can down the road for years and then pussy out at the end. We're getting a watered down Brexit in name only.
Right now we're still abiding by all the EU rules supposedly until the end of this month, and now muh BASTE tories are about to kick the can down the road again and keep us in the EU forever and ever. This will go on for many more years, until everyone has forgotten what Brexit is even about.
Nigel Cuckage can fuck off too, he's the one who shilled for the conservative party after telling his own Brexit Party to stand down. That is the 3rd or 4th time he has been willing controlled opposition after intentionally destroying UKIP and the BNP back in the day.
It’s hilarious how the former colonial empire doesn’t want to work with anyone now.
Justin Morgan
Since the EU will continue to be by a huge margin our largest trading partner we're 'in' the EU whether brexiteers like it or not. Brino is inevitable. Enjoy what was obvious in June 2016.
Christian Myers
imagine bragging about your votes not mattering. You guys couldn't even honor the vote for Boaty McBoatface
Chase Perry
t. banana republic
Josiah Martin
Trading with the EU doesn't require us, or anyone else, to abide by the EU court or give them money each year for various projects like rebuilding the Hungarian sewage system.
The EU has not been a purely economic union for decades now. If it was one then Brexit wouldn't have even happened. It is a political union.
Bentley Sanders
This shit is still going on? Brexit was like 20 years ago. Holy shit, britbongs are slow
Asher Gray
FUCK the EU kid
OUT now
OUR fish
fuck OFF
Kayden Robinson
t. pathetic brit. Careful before i hack your twitter account and call someone a goat fucker. Wouldn't want you jailed.
Hudson Fisher
I am actually very saddened that the vote was in/out when reality is, as the population is finding out, much more complicated.
Carson Torres
Just wait 2 more weeks Nigel
Jaxon Howard
>UK cucks >not tolerating something lol. British humor really is among the driest.
Logan Allen
Dont care, bojo betrayed trump.
They can rot
Wyatt Martinez
If that cunt doesnt leave the EU im voting labour. fuck them and fuck this gay country.
John Ward
you got trump in name only for 4 years and now theyve coup'd him anyway LMAO STUPID MUTT
Hunter Diaz
Also justice for boaty.
William Hall
We never wanted to work with anyone, we wanted them to work for us, that's what colonization is.
Luke Gomez
As a former Brexit voter can we all just admit Brexit has been a huge fucking mistake and fuck up.
We've been enduring coronavirus for almost a year, the LAST thing we need now is to shoot ourselves in the foot economically by crashing out of our main trading partner, the Eurozone. Sorry but if you're still pushing for brexit right now you're fucking delusional.
Asher Walker
So we are not leaving the EUSSR? Damn it
Parker Moore
>THEY did this! YOU did this, you fucking moron. It's your parliament, filled with your representatives, that you elected. Multiple times.
pretty much, they've tried to create an army, and since that didn't work they're trying to tax member states directly. germany never truly stopped working towards a third reich, only how to go about it.
Juan Walker
>t. seething deportee
Lincoln Davis
Kek. They just come here to call other whites cucks because they don't dare express their opinions in their own land.
Jeremiah Clark
Those limp dick cucks are still negotiating with the EUssr? FFS cut the cord!
Gavin Bailey
As some tweet mentioned, they are waiting to see what the outcome of the US election will be. Its a stall tactic and they really intended to leave the EU... The time for debating is over, and its time for a revolution.
In 2016 the Official Leave Campaign stated the UK would be "part" of the European free trade zone. That's what we voted for. If we leave without being "part" of the free trade zone that would be undemocratic.
The ballot paper just asked whether you wanted to leave or not
Lucas Bennett
Still in how? We've taken back the fishes, escaped the European supreme courts and can now state aid or cut deals with whoever we like.
Christopher Mitchell
So, you're part of the EU, while claiming you arent Fair enough, you're a territory, not a state
Christian Morales
Shut up and get in line for your vaccine and chip implant goy, we are going to tag and track you whether you like it or not. You will comply. Wear the mask, bigot.
Connor Martin
democracy is dumb. can't vote yourself out of this mess
Jacob Johnson
maybe they're waiting for boomers to die out so they can redo the referendum and get an anti brexit result.
Angel Watson
fuck brexit I want to order shit from uk without paying VAT
Lincoln Campbell
And, the UK left the European Union at 11 p.m. GMT on 31 January 2020.
Done. Dusted.
Now we're negotiating our trade relationship.
Sebastian Morgan
Democracy is only real if you vote the correct way. If you don't we have to cancel your vote.