Is it wise to be here?

Is it wise to be here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut up and keep walking dante
you're almost there

There's a thin line between finding knowledge in this hellhole and being here forever beyond your will. Understand it or you're gonna end up a regular

>Thinking you can just casually pass through here

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Waa, waa, they done kicked me out of Italy, WAA, WAA, the novel

what did you do?

A fellow literary connoisseur I see.

Fuck the feds. The army is like 80% for Trump. Who gives a fuck if we end up on some Sodomite fed's list? When shit hits the fan you'll be glad to have been here getting a sense of the zeitgeist.

I've wasted countless hours over the course of 11 years on this site. This place will warp your character and soul if you stay here long enough. I'm fucked. Get out while you can.


been coming here since 2007, started being a regular in 2009, but I take a break from this place every few months and every time I come back it's worse, I don't even go to Zig Forums anymore because it's so bad

Wisdom is to passively pass through all things. This place, while passively passing, must too be passed through.

I wasn't born yesterday.

I know that feel, there was a narrow window give years ago where Zig Forums was tolerable, something happened and everything got pushed off by a storm of porn and shit. You go there now and it's like fucking aliens run it, I wonder what would happen if the anti-coomer mod succeeded instead of being banned one day in


>wanting to save others from being angry, hostile, and disgusted at the state of everything all the time makes me a coward.


Zig Forums is a blessing and a curse

the "pissing in an ocean of piss" meme was funny back then, now it's just thousands of people pissing in an ocean of piss every day and it turns out, the ocean is way bigger now and there's a lot more piss

just remember that any knowledge has a price. The longer you linger the more horrible truths you'll find but just at the same rate you'll realize things that give you hope

yes, it does. that's what i said. there's nothing wrong with any of those things.

Try 16chan user It's like this but so irrelevant their isn't any twitter threads of the constant shitty bait threads

that's quite a painting

I don't regret it.

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Leave until it's not too late.

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Only if you posess the constitution to weather the storm that is about to descend upon us. Luckily Zig Forums is not my only board and Zig Forums made me rich in 2017, so i am basically uncancellable.

I do.

It's wise to stay here long enough to find out why it isn't wise to stay here any longer. Think of it like a pregnancy, except what's inside you is ideas and worldviews you absorb until it's time to stop receiving and start acting.

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In the middle of the journey of our life I came to Zig Forums pol within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.

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