90% of teachers are left-wing retard, especially women.
What is the best moment of propaganda you ever had at school anons ?
Personally, I remember in 10th grade a teacher invited a local LGBT association, and we had 2 boomers telling us being gay is totally normal and showing us movies about it, like a movie with 2 gay teens at school.
never being told about the holodomor and for like 10 minutes about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Parker Hall
Abbos are human and deserve rights and protection.
Charles Carter
my physical education teacher is trying to convict my class that being fat is normal
Gavin Sanders
is your sport teacher fat? lmao
Xavier Morales
our middle and high school teachers are incredebly based even in middle school they warn us about the dangers of communism hell i remember our middle school teacher spending more time on the execution of the russian tzar then the holocaust
Tyler Nelson
When I was in middle school we were taught how to sew, cook food, read blueprints and build things out of wood. The younger generations, our future, are fucked.
Luke Walker
being told about the holobunga by a jewish teacher in 6th grade Mrs. Troche very nice woman though
Christopher Ross
My school must have been based, they taught us in middle-school why communism doesn't work (no incentive to do more than minimum effort).
Anthony Evans
One of our teachers told us it was okay to be gay kek, the world is so far left now that accepting fags is presented as reasonable
Chase Young
My school never even talked about gay people in sex education.
>Men don't cook All the best cooks are men and always have been.
Jason Martinez
Being told taught for about three years in primary school (6-12 years) then again in history class in secondary school for at least a whole year (13-16 years) then again in upper secondary school for at least two years. Included in the Holocaust curriculum was pretty much brainwashing as a child in primary school where those with blue eyes got to punish those with brown. In the schoolbook was picrelated, and the teacher as well as the book would use this picture to describe how systematic the germans were, how they placed the bodies in order. In reality picrelated is nordhausen, and it was bombed by the allies, everybody dead in the picture was the result of allied bombs. it is hard to find it in google without knowing specifically the name and searching for it specifically. Anyway, the teacher would then, to the black and white pictures of emaciated bodies, go on to talk about industrialized genocide, and how train cars were loaded with people and run in to fake showers full of gas and the camps were basically a factory of death. I also remember the teacher introduced us to a new slur, and he said quote; >Du har sikkert hørt utrykket, "din jævla jøde" Translated; >You have probably heard of the slur; "you fucking jew". It was at this point i realized the word he was actually supposed to use was the word KIKE, because the curriculum was entirely american, and he could not find a norwegian word to use as a slur, and therefore had to use the word jew itself along with a swear word to manufacture a fake slur used by no one. No teacher, i have never in my life heard of the slur "din jævla jøde" and neither have you.
True, school = propaganda center/mental institution. Heliocentric globe is my most hated propaganda lie. Its flat around, and stationary.
Tyler Morales
were they saying that the execution of the tsar was bad?
Jaxson Green
Only since culture cucked and allowed men to cook. Men and women are biologically intended to have separate roles in society. Pretending otherwise is ignoring biology - basically being a tranny. The Greeks had it right - cooking is for female slaves.
Henry Perez
Lol retarded alert.
Asher Davis
Crazy liberal teacher said people who say nigger need to be publically executed. I said that's extreme and she started yelling at me.
James Lee
walked into holocaust class first day dressed as a REICH shock trooper from the metro 2033 series with Y-strap and belt going across my waist and a patrol cap with a totenkopf patch sewn into the front tucked into my Y-strap belt black button up shirt camo pants NEATLY blossed to my combat boots
Brandon Smith
Feminist propaganda about women and men being equal and women being oppressed
>Headmaster calling himself Duce >Leftist teachers seething every time he says that >All the teacher doing specific technical subject were always right-extreme right, one spent half an hour telling how bad was our government and how every state worker is lazy as fuck. It showed me how there was still some hope for the school i don't know now after years if teachers like that exists.
Luke Ramirez
>ignores biology like trannies >calls someone else retarded Cringe.
Hunter Carter
disgusting propaganda
Nicholas Campbell
>MUH BIOLOGY men cook ten times better than women and that's a fact now go do the laundry whore
Kevin Flores
can confirm, valid for most women born after 1980
Dominic Evans
Grew up in Poland. Zero propaganda, just soft patriotism. Didn't want to attend Bible classes and was never shunned by anyone.
Isaac Rodriguez
You were born after 1991 I guess
William Powell
I went to a christian school and if you were caught being a fagget you were expelled, the principal even made that clear for the end of year formal (NO FAGGETS ALLOWED, hetero couples only) So many of them just kept to themselves, but after highschool, they went full blown pozzed.
Jonathan Adams
Norwegian abroad here. Around 5th grade, they started with the holobonga fairytale of Anne Frank, they really wanted to hammer in how great Nordic social democracy is, and I think we had a couple of retarded racial equality classes. The school system also had a "cultural program" which basically was a rent-seeking operation for washed-up commie boomers with a degree in arts. They would put on shitty post-modernist theater shows for us and force us to go to modern art galleries. A friend of mine had an SJW bitch of a teacher who called everything racist. My biology teacher expressed her disapproval that I voted for the anti-immigration party. Other than that, I haven't suffered much.
Ethan Myers
When our ww2 history lessons were mostly about poor kikes and how great heroes tried to save them but barely mentioned actual war lmao
Tyler Murphy
not much propaganda i can recall. history teacher was pretty based but she was probably a democrat
Carter Parker
zoomer here. at my school we had an entire month dedicated to holohoax propaganda every year. also our English/reading class was supplied with (((commonlit))), which was basically buzzfeed opinion tier articles that had multiple-choice questions with retard answers. Huge psyop. Never send your kids to public school. It's child abuse.
Caleb Myers
I was told in highschool that Hitler's urethra never formed, so a doctor had to poke a hole onto the pee-vein at the underside of his penis. His MURDEROUS and UNREASONABLE actions are a result of him being in extreme genital agony, which drove him insane.
Later on, during my tourism course, one of my teachers taught me that medieval nobility were fat and incompetent. They also kept young boys with thick long hair as aides and squires because they used them as handwipes, since medieval people were DISGUSTING and ate like PIGS with FILTH everywhere.
Being told to 'Show racism the red card' then moments after class bumping into a nog who wanted to start a fight, walked away and reported me for racial abuse. I was just walking to my next class and got sent home.
This was back when niggers were rare in my former school.
Brody Fisher
>KIKE Jødefant is the best translation if you ask me.
Henry Gray
Not me, but my kids. Any of the "leader in me" bullshit habits.
Christian Hernandez
when my history teacher said in class >you know the twin towers didn't collapse by themselves, right? does this count lmao?
Ethan Gray
In school we had to read books about middle east refugees and the holocaust, I come from a country on the other side of the world from any of that stuff yet somehow it still was of prime importance in our curriculum
Aiden Harris
Xer: Free To Be You And Me shown in class five years in a row.
Have a vague memory of expressing confusion in class about my teacher portraying 'Republican' isolationists as distasteful in contrast with his narrative about war resistance being noble and "Democratic". I remember him stammering over his explanation, though I was genuinely naive about it and wasn't trying to trip him up.
Also, somehow I came out of high school believing that Nixon started the Vietnam war.
Jason Baker
Science teacher telling me not to believe the food research paper lies. Like how can you lie peer reviewed papers saying that meat is healthy?
Jaxson Price
My teacher did not know of that word, because he has never met or even heard of a Norwegian antisemite that wasn't from the middle east. The Holocaust curriculum was enforced upon norwegian children by kikes from america and england, (you think the marshal help was free?)
Tyler Morgan
This, plus being told that mandela was a fucking saint that went to jail because "muh oppression" instead of the civilian deaths his bombs provoked.
Charles Lopez
Back in 6th grade, we had to fill out which jobs we anted to learn about for Career day. My buddy missed the day we filled these out. So my teacher randomly assigned him Nurse, and I said that he wouldn’t like that since he’s not a girl. 30 minutes of the teacher calling me sexist and have you.
Tyler White
my liberal cunt teachers in elementary school taught me the lyrics to my national anthem as "our home in native land". it took me until I was 24 years old to learn it's "our home and native land". get fucked chugs, this is my land
Jeremiah Morgan
>n entire month dedicated to holohoax propaganda every year Jesus fucking christ. Of all western history, they chose to teach you about the holobonga for an entire month. They could have taught you the entirety of Roman history in that month. Is it true that they do not teach you about European history in American public school?
Benjamin Wood
wat the fuck i also had 2 boomers come in and talk about how being gay is alright