EU General #2 – Brit/pol/ BTFO

Ok, Britfags, let's settle this today. What the fuck do you actally want from us, and why do you think we should give it to you?

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>brit/pol/ in title
is this the new thread



We're not asking.

no, go here

(((E)))U is already cucked to be a toothless faggot.
Hungary & Poland got their ways, Brits are about to prove (((E)))U pointless with their economy's recovery in post-Brexit period & China is now puppeteering both Brussels & Berlin.

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I want the cascade of collapse when lesser nations realise they can also release themselves from your grip

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I don't want anything from you

> What the fuck do you actually want from us
Nothing. We want nothing from you, we want nothing to do with you. We want our land and waters for ourselves, we don't want to be tied to your industry standards and laws. We don't want any fucking refugees that you seem to let in on a whim, we don't want to be around for when your debt scheme of holding up southern Europe fails.

EU bros. How do we stop UK rejoining the EU? We need to start planning now.

The Brits destroyed their own country, and now they want to rejoin so they can all of destroy ours. A few brits moving to your country under freedom of movement may seem harmless, but eventually more will move and gain voting rights.

Brits are not European. Always remember. They only read tabloid newspapers, and will always prefer emotion over facts We need to prepare now before it's too late.

We grant you freedom, all the freedom you want. But as you know: there is no freedom without responsibility.

No, they can't. Not even you can, sorry.

>EU Parliament
>Tan-free zone
So beautiful.

Kike until proven otherwise.

You don't "grant" us anthing you disgusting, arrogant prick. We freed ourselves against all the odds.

Deal with it.

>we want nothing
Fair enough. And by the way: you already have nothing, so I guess your happy. Farewell and bye.

>But as you know: there is no freedom without responsibility.

Kek. Freedom*
>*please refer to freedom document 116 (ii.a) for principles of outlined freedom.

A concept with attached burdens & stipulations. Checks out, EU.

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>Freed ourselves
>Following all EU laws, even without any representation in making said laws.

You're literally less free now than you ever were. And you can't even tell.

we want the EU to stop being gloabalist scum and to start working in the interests of native europeans instead of trying to turn europe into a federation of states governed by the EU. that will never happen though which means we must dismantle you completely. that's what we want

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Sorry kiddo, this thread is for UK and EU negotiators only. Please leave immediately.

What it is with british politicians and not being bale to buy a suit that fits? Do brits like this kind of thing in their leaders?

Italy next mate. Just watch.

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Dilate more rabbi.

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Another thread full of seething, hate filled low IQ Krauts, Kikes and Paddies.

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Barnier, is that you? Thanks for all the hard work m8.

Boris purposefully does it to look buffoonish

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If you can't even read symbols, I'm afraid your voice is of no importance here. Thanks, see you when you've grown up.

The country I grew up in has already been systematically destroyed. Everything that was comfy is now fucked beyond repair. What I'd ideally like at this stage is some sort of scorched earth suicide pact and hopefully after the hard times something decent will rise from the ashes.

Britbongs get btfo by old german women.
They also have a leader which is a old german woman, they even call her "Queen".
Bongs surely have a fetish to get dominated by old german women.

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In case you misunderstood: we didn't ask you what you wanted us to be, it is none of your business.

Bros... how can one island nation be so based?

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based. Burn it down

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What the fuck is this? Do they all have some kind of genital rash of something they are trying to air out?

You're going to love no deal brexit then.

>germans get btfo by old german women

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Brexit is just phase one, Seamus O'Potatoe.

Watch this space you seething

the only thing the parties want is to lok like they won.
a deal is inevitable no matter how many times they delay an agreement
no ones gonna fuck up the supply chains over a few fish

> so I guess your happy
Correct, I'm ecstatic with a No-Deal Brexit, even if it took close to 5 fucking years to deliver. Now hopefully the US can uncuck themselves and we can have 2016 part 2.

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Can bongs just fuck off? They are a dead empire and will be completely swarmed by foreigners in no more than 20 years. Gott strafe England.

they want more brown people fucking their daughters, something the EU cannot supply.

Italy will leave only when Germ** banks tell them that they won't fund their election promises anymore.

>Whhaaaaaaaa we want to leave

There was never going to be a deal and from what I can tell most of the bongs never wanted any "deal." The only reason there was a pretense at a "deal" was just more stalling and dragging out the inevitable.

But this is bizarre. Can you explain why Irishmen want to be in a union with Britain???

It won't happen, at least not for a few years, but we want a reformed EU that is less of a federal state and more of a collection of competing allied nations trading freely. We want an end to the Eurocrats and power to the nations.

Others will follow us. They are beginning to see the true face of the EU. It does not have their interests at heart and it will backstab them. If you try to leave they will try to destroy or subjugate you. You are not member states, you are subjects.

Now we wait...

If you think you should threaten us it might be better to cancel our negotiation, but it seems your position is the absolute minority right now, so I call on your fellow diplomats to silence you.

I dont understand why brits only read tabloid newpaper

>freed ourselves
>past tense
>Currently rules takers of all EU laws, just no longer have influence of those laws.

So you're saying you are actually less free than ever, but in the future you have plans to be more free?

>calling me low IQ
Oops, did I hit a nerve?

>scorched earth suicide pact
This is currently not in our interest.

I just want to be a pirate again

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>a nation led by a turk jew.
the pariah of europe.

can we liberate germany yet?

You don't understand how it works, we will win one way or the other.

English just want attention

I only like the spirit behind the idea of the EU, the implementation and the reality are fucking gay cuz it's just become a group of nations working as hard as possible to destroy themselves, the UK included ofc.

Bongs gonna realise soon that the only thing protecting any rights they had left were eu regs. Children of men in 2 years under this tory govt.
Having said that everything is totally fucked anyway, brexit is Hegelian dialect

Imagine believing the same hogwash from 2016 in 2020 that has time and time again proven to be delusional. No one else is leaving the EU and if anything EU is becoming more and more centralized.

None of the southern European countries can leave without going bankrupt the second they do, all of them have debt 80% the size of their national GDP at least, with Greece's debt being like 150%. My money would be on either the Netherlands or Denmark leaving, either the Dutch get fed up having to pay a greater share for the south now that we are gone, or the Danes get fed up as well. The Danes also don't have the Euro so its easier for them to pack up.

We want to leave and for you to just be fucking normal about it.

Pless dress up, or else please leave. This is not a unilateral meeting.

>a deal is inevitable
How? Literally every member state in the EU has to agree to it. Brits would have to sign an absolute slave treaty to get every one of the EU states to sign a deal with them.

You perceive our position as a minority because you are all collectively scared that a successful deal would telegraph to the world that the EU experience is a dead experiment

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that's less to do with the EU and more to do with communist infiltration into each countries elite. even without the EU they would still be trying to destroy themselves.

My friends, we have a dress code here. Please flag up. Thank you.

>Can you explain why Irishmen want to be in a union with Britain???
They don't. Brexit is awesome. Can you imagine the elation of watching an old enemy just lose his mind, cutting open his abdomen and pulling his guts out? Then accusing anyone who recommends he stops of "project fear"?

Bongs have running out of colonies to bong, and have now turned on themselves. All we need to do now is stop them from rejoining when they realise what a horrible mistake they've made.

OK, sure, so he's let the chinks keep running our nuclear power industry including our fleet of nuclear submarines and he's told them as soon as his mate Biden gets into the White House they'll be back on track to control our internet infrastructure, and so what if he's overseen the highest numbers of third world (mostly african, middle eastern and pakistani muslim men of fighting age) immigrants to enter the UK in a single calendar year during an supposed global pandemic when most sane nations tightened border controls, and so the fuck what if he's made critical race theory training mandatory for all government and public sector workers and civil servants? OK OK I get it, so he's also made repeated calls for a full blanket amnesty for all illegal immigrants while also overseeing the lowest numbers of successfully executed deportations of illegal immigrant child rapists and killers.

You can say what the fuck you want about all that shit it means fuck all, no what really matters is the fact he sort of stood up for the proms and is telling the EU that he'll put 4 Royal Navy patrol boats in British waters after the no deal Brexit that will never ever fucking happen and in my book, and I speak for all of Brit/pol/, that makes Boris BASED AS FUCK!

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Market adapts as long as there is certainty. The longer spend talking to tou the worse off we become due to uncertainty. No one invests in uncertainty.

We should have noped the fuck out 2 years ago and let the market do it's thing. A no deal Brexit is what we voted for.

Fuck Eurofag. kys.

>English just want attention
Global history and geopolitics since the Battle of Crécy in 1346 condensed into four words.

embarassing pr move


yes, and somehow so will we
thats the point