Zig Forums webm thread

Attached: proudboys.webm (1280x606, 2.75M)

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Post 3 retard

Attached: 1600529372080.webm (640x432, 1.05M)

Attached: 1593556735848.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

Attached: 1607627282151.png (596x830, 359.34K)

I'd love to fuck her, once.

Attached: 1605840360399.webm (720x405, 2.28M)

Are those people retarded? They look very animalistic and weird.

Attached: 1606650239454.webm (198x360, 2.05M)

This is fucking pathetic and sad, it's like they are playing pretend. That prostitute only has """"""""""authority"""""""""" because she is guarded by that institution, laws and other traitor men, but if those 2 were alone in nature, that man would brutally rape her and break her neck like a twig.

posting the same nigger faggot videos I post everday

Attached: 1598098767763.webm (384x216, 1.64M)

Attached: 1604669055732.webm (512x640, 1.74M)

Attached: 1606651052537.webm (300x168, 779.26K)

post your face faggots lets see if you look animalistic and weird bet you wouldnt last a day in bootcamp

Attached: 1607590714331.webm (400x400, 1.27M)

Sure you would, Chud.

Attached: what happens to women haters.webm (896x504, 2.48M)

Attached: 1606730413693.webm (1080x1080, 2.99M)

Attached: 1606707473163.webm (400x220, 1.82M)

>American entertainment

Why did they think that was a good idea?

We have conscription here, most people serve in the military, like me.


was this from yesterday?

Attached: 1607852525641.webm (402x720, 1.89M)

Thank you, that was one of the most satisfying webms I have ever watched. Thank you seriously.

Attached: teacher yelling at anti-masks protesters.webm (640x360, 1.59M)

>Doesn't have the thigh strength to static wall sit for 5 seconds.

That head must have cracked open like a fresh egg.

Attached: 1607314017155.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>Canadians talking like our military isn't anything but forty thousand mid-20s and 30s year olds fucking each other on a weekly basis.


These are pointless without the sound


Whats happening? Tell me, I dont want to watch it.

every military is filled with faggots. they go prison gay it's not their fault

Attached: 1597827529000.webm (404x536, 177.68K)

I cannot even wrap my head around having a female drill sergeant. How the fuck do you just not burst out into laughter? With all the meat headed shit that goes on we still would crack grins (discreetly) when one really lost their shit. And they were hard as nails guys you didn't want to fuck with.

Some bitch in a skirt and earrings yelling at me like a man? Gales of laughter.

I'd say its typical "what a joke the navy is" but I think its all branches today.

Attached: 0947f4527eb06ef5809d5a1dfa228488ccc13a43efed4d32a51159e71c09ac49.jpg (625x625, 36.25K)

some nigger burning to death. Typical African lynch mob execution of putting them in a car tire then setting it on fire.

Attached: 1581978140580.webm (480x848, 2.44M)

Black lives matter they are same as everyone else KEK

These are terrifying
We have it too good in America

Just niggers being niggers, pussy.

this is one of my new favs

Attached: 1607205946322.webm (960x540, 1.98M)

People thats job is to scream at prison inmates.
How do they live with themselves

Yeah because it's not like there is an abundance of horny women in our ranks?

I know 3 dudes who married and 2-4 years down the line got divorced from a chick they met at boot camp.

Talk about cohesion and focus!

Attached: jt3.jpg (680x530, 56.54K)


I'm Steve O and this is angry bitch wall stand

A few of these are the most gruesome videos I've ever seen
Oh my fucking god man..
The guy burning isn't even the worst..

Attached: 1607033542915.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)


>I cannot even wrap my head around having a female drill sergeant

The weakest, smallest man in the entire military could easily murder this woman with his bare hands. Women in the military is a sick, sick joke, just like "feminism" is a sick, sick joke.


Incoherent yelling with the wipers on, nice

Seen that one
The one where they cut open the guys chest while he's alive is FUCK MAN, HOLY FUCK


Attached: 1597829018958.webm (640x352, 890.85K)

Noice ending, mate.

thank you m8.

Wonder why people who do this kind of shit are always south americans

story pls

Attached: 1603574900707.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

they were aztecs once so

yer, my cousin watched some chick on a moped in Thailand get cleaned up by a B double out front a 7/11... much shovels were needed...

cunt said it's GTA but real life over there.

She just screams "fuck you, I'm a teacher, I teach kids, their families are dying."

Attached: 1605840761299.webm (352x288, 719.84K)

DId she survive?
How the fuck is she still conscious? Wouldn't such catastrophic blood loss make you pass out?