Remember lads

Remember lads...

Attached: Screenshot_20201213-104748_Gallery.jpg (720x1560, 287.18K)

I posted a rare Brenton and not one (You) :(

Attached: 1586761798286.webm (600x338, 2.08M)

Great deeds.
My only problem with Brenton is in his manifesto, not one word about the jews. Nothing.
So it was probably a mossad operation, but whatever at this point.

Attached: 1598163401736.gif (300x225, 1.8M)


rare terry

Attached: wholesometerry.png (789x489, 51.09K)


Where is it from? Reverse image search reveals nothing

god that gif. fucking kek

His sisters Facebook

I see, is there anything else interesting there?

Attached: brenton and lauren.jpg (600x450, 39.02K)

Any others? Apparently there are pictures from Russia. The ozzies tracked down the second letter but not the third.

Which second and third letters?

Holy shit moot looks like THAT now

Where'd you get that one? Here's the picture in full.

Attached: FB_IMG_1607869772827.jpg (720x510, 31.79K)

Her Myspace page.

Another, haven't seen any from russia, in fact none with older brenton

Attached: FB_IMG_1607869862734.jpg (720x540, 37.13K)

I see, that's how I managed to find her FB, put in her band name from Myspace and there's one post tagging her, she goes by a different name now though

Is she the drummer?

Yes, you can find a few videos of her band playing and a few of the titles of the videos say "female drummer" like that's a big draw for some reason
Her when she was in a band

Attached: skaterterry4.png (417x305, 131.24K)

True Hero

I remember how the left completely lost it when they realized that the right actually knows how to use guns properly

Attached: 1606483592360.png (3180x2012, 1.89M)

Last one

Attached: FB_IMG_1607869785728.jpg (720x1000, 70.42K)

Attached: Tarrant on a trip to North Korea in 2014.jpg (1280x720, 72.49K)

Where is this from?

Paremoremo Prison let three letters out before locking down his correspondence. Once surfaced here. They tracked down the second according to one of the CO's. The third is still out there. It probably is in the hands of a paranoid autist.

I thought 2 were sent to a fan and the other was sent to his sister or mother, I might be wrong though

Attached: touristterry2.png (687x574, 541.48K)

Attached: touristterry3.png (591x391, 308.3K)

he shouldnt have thrown his life away like that imo
but what he did was based

Victim of MK Ultra

i got banned from tranny discord for avatar with this hero

That is not a rare Brenton this one is.

Attached: Tarrant.jpg (615x619, 20.67K)

Attached: touristterry4.png (700x447, 388.85K)

Why didn't he mention (((them)))?
Why was this too good to even be true?