Based and Christpilled.
PRES TRUMP: "God sent his Son Jesus to redeem us."
Just another example of how backwards everything is.
Few if any of the overtly Christian presidents would ever mention Jesus etc.. while the president we are told is not really Christian does.
Why not mention Jesus
Because so many would be offended by it.
Trump gave those people the middle finger and rightfully so.
He still won't consneed, I know hella people are fucking furious about that. Good on him for standing up for Christmas.
They never do.
Trump is the first president in a long time that invokes the name of Jesus during these things. He goes out of his way to do it, it triggers secularists.
God isn't real you fucking incel scum. Your religion is a mental illness
Because every other president doesn't need to LARP into being a christcuck when already is in power. Trump needs to because he wants a revolution, he wants the support of the people.
Merry Christmas.
Great hannukah speech
Trump sent us Barron to annihilate our enemies, god is a fag.
Melania looking fine af in that pic goddamn
really? god sent his son? fantastic! what happened to him?
There's a higher chance of God existing than communism working
T.commie memeflaggot posting with the name jarjarbinx69
I'm Qoooooooming!
Two more weeks!
Arrests incoming! Any day now!
Trust the plan!
if america lets biden/cum-allah into the WH it deserves to know what will happen to it
Pretty based desu
makes sense since he loves israel, Jesus really is jewish. jew on a stick. full blooded jew. oh and christcuck shills, john 4:22, sneed and cope.
Matthew 24:5
“For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”
>commie flag
This shit writes itself
Based qoomer
Free the underground sex slave mole children now!!!!
The jews killed him
Trump isnt saying he's Christ, he's giving praise to Jesus the Christ.
Nice try, trannyboy
Satan is losing
Jesus is King
Jews aren't really Israel
Biden is a pedophile
Trump is America's President
You will always have XX or XY chromosomes only.
America is the world's best Country.
So on and so forth
Witnessed in righteousness
Jews be seething
enjoy hell you commie faggot
This section of John shows how Jesus' life on earth was meant to complete the old, imperfect, and temporary means of reconciliation with God. Jesus came as the new sacrifice for sin (John 1:29), replacing the old ways of atonement (John 2:6–9), with His body the new temple (John 2:19–21), bringing a new birth (John 3:1–7), a new and living water (John 4:11).
Also, Jesus was an israelite from line of jacob, Jews are from line of esau, nonetheless i have respect for Messianic Jews who have parted their ways from the deception from satan.