Roma people in Europe

Attached: Romani-population-size-in-different-European-countries-The-collection-of-this-type-of.jpg (600x628, 57.55K)

Croatia map is not really representative bro, here is better view. Less of them now coz of EU.

Attached: Roma_of_Croatia_2011_census.jpg (1280x1251, 211.54K)

Are you caling them people?
For real?

They are a bunch of parasites, but are in no way as problematic as new immigrants. They make they own community as self segregate. Don't race mix as well.

>don't race mix
oh boy, that ship has sailed

Cause you fuckers murdered em all. I envy Croatians

We literally had no gypsies in Germany until BulGAYria and ROMAnia joinend the EU. Thanks buddys.

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you have your mommy merkel to thank

Thank God for Germany. My country is getting whiter when all the gypsies move to your shithole

that's very racist of you Muhammad

We have to deal with knackers (irish gypos) and romas at the same time thanks lads

Maybe there. Here they get ostracized from their own communities and the outsider gets punished.

give them 10 euros and say "djurdjevdan"
they'll know what it means and they'll call you boss after that and offer you discount goods of questionable origin

These aren't "Roma" people they are Gypsies, get it fucking right, faggot.

Let's round them up and kill them, those parasites.

notice that most of them are on Hungarian border, one small push and they are not our problem anymore...

Lemme tell you a true story from my teenage years long time ago when I was "studying" in Zagreb (mostly being young and wasting time) one of my bros got a gun (we were dealing drugs and being young, you know how it is, plust the times were different then) and he was a bit of a weirdo. He wanted to find out how its like to kill a human, so he kept asking me to go with him in a car and we find some gypo to shoot him so he can see how it feels like kek

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you mean gypsies?

Why gipsies act the same way in every country?
> same annoying accent
> begging for money
> stealing, robbing, killing without any remorse
> accusing people to be racist against them even if they didn't do anything.
> shitting up new apartments
> loud and obnoxious everywhere
> no sense of shame or guilt


Good morning i hate tschuschn and zigeina

10,000 is 10,000 to many AHHHHHHHHHHH


kek, croats are something else



what's the difference? they like being called gypsies, many don't know what roma means

Why have we not genocided them ?!

because they're shitskins of the same breed user

>tfw travellers are multiplying at far higher rates than any other racial group in the country
We're fucked boyo.

Well did he kill someone?

i fuck a young romanian broad and shes literally so goddamn hot its unreal. roma broads are a-okay with me

Also smell bad

because we build hardware stores and they can't help but start sniffing glue at 8 years old

roma =/= romanian

Most Romanians I've met are lovely. Against globohomo and dislike the French, just like me

Not here bro
> same annoying accent
ok this one
> begging for money
nope, they are not allowed to do that, they get beaten
> stealing, robbing, killing without any remorse
nope, not allowed to even live, let alone do that, in fact lot of my friends did that to them kek
> accusing people to be racist against them even if they didn't do anything.
Nah, well nobody listenes to them, so they might as well talk to a wall, we are racis to them though
> shitting up new apartments
apartments? top kek what are you smoking
> loud and obnoxious everywhere
nah, they are usually head down, quiet and trying to get away asap
> no sense of shame or guilt
dunno, dont care

all the gypsies that we have here that are allowed to interact with society are well adjusted (very very few) and they still get threatened, laughed at and are mascots

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