Get out of here. You have your own cope thread to tend to, faggot.
Adrian Rodriguez
Chink Leaf Tracker Thread: ID: onhnMNuH Chink leaf made 7 posts and received 18 replies. Chink leaf posted 3 images of which 1 have been seen before. Chink leaf consumed 8.06% of the thread at 310 total posts.
Camden Rodriguez
Did anyone ever said anything about Hunter taxes tho? Or was it more the pedo/China ties shit?
Jace Turner
Ayden Bailey
no Take the vax like your gay president told you to do faggot.
Cooper Phillips
I gave up. There's nothing left to do. Trump won't cross the rubicon, EVER. He had proof the government spied on his campaign and he did nothing about it effectively. Why should I expect him to do something now?
>founding fathers in a stroke of brilliance also did not give the means to remove a sitting president in the event he doesn't consneed I mean, they have to have thought about adding something of the sort but didn't for whatever reason probably for just such an occasion, the foresight of the founding fathers is truly amazing
Reminder for when Biden is selected by the electors tomorrow
Dominic Hill
Kayden Reed
Yeah, Id never insult the USA for this shit when we're so deep in it Oh well, at least we got brexit! pfft, we're fucked
Evan Ortiz
>muh denied poll watchers >muh hunter's laptop >muh watermarked ballots >muh blockchain >muh burst waterpipe >muh hammer and scorecard >muh whitehouse SCIF >muh benford's law >muh Dr. Shiva >muh project veritas >muh 4 seasons lanscaping money laundering >muh glitches >muh dominion >muh smartmatic >muh german server >muh spainish server >muh CIA shootout at server >muh SCYTL >muh KRAKEN >muh sidney avenatti >muh lin wood >muh rudy >muh jenna ellis >muh debunked video >muh black people standing around a desk >muh firing SoD for military coup >mug gitmo expansion for traitors >muh SCOTUS >muh faithless electors >muh martial law >muh civil war >muh rubicon >muh hang all the traitors >muh Gina Haspel died >muh threatening Kemp with assasinations >muh biden ankle monitor >muh biden conseeding for immunity >muh texas lawsuit >muh DNI report