Are Ultra Orthodox jews based?
>against LGBT
>against the creation of israel
>spits/throws stones in whores wearing whore clothes
>against feminism
>are pro family and have 5 kids on average
>Woman dress modestly
>Israelis and other jews hate them

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>destroys every cultures but not theirs

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All jews are filth

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none of those are Ultra Orthodox jews but alright.

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Those are the bobov sect not the satmar sect

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and none of those Jews even wear a kippah and are religious

strange how none of those woman have a head covering. they are not religious dumbass

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this doesnt apply to the thread but ok

nope. they're the ones most likely to follow the perversions in the talmud. yet somehow they're not even the worst jews.

Yes my fellow white men they are based

The talmud is book of debates and different contradictory ideas, you cant just follow all of it there are many views and opinions of rabbis, all those bad parts of the talmud are heretical and excommunicated rabbis.

and all those jews are secular jews and zionists which ultra orthodox jews hate

nice try. your religion is based on a book that says it's ok to 'have sex' with a 3 year old. the same way islam was founded by a jewish pedo

that rabbi was excommunicated dumbass the Talmud has different laws which nobody ever kept because nobody holds the opinion of that rabbi.

lol sure chaim. you're only digging your hole deeper.

i mean thats what it is, the talmud is records of every persons opinion on the interpetion of the old testament we cant follow every opinion.

>are semitic extremists based

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all jews who cause real trouble are atheist jews

Lenin, Torstky, Karl Marx.

I agree! they are the reason us Jews have a bad rep is because these communist secular zionist "jews"

orthodox are beyond cool
every user should love them
birth rates of a minimum or 5 for some sects to 7 - 9 in others means one orthodox couple has tens of thousands of offspring in 4 generations while zionists at 1.65 offspring have around 7

israel will cease to exist in less than 4 generations
hasids keep to themselves
they're hardcore eastern European Gypos
they're traders
they're a closed society
evangelicals of jewery

they will demographically destroy Israel. The only reason Israel exists is because of the blood, sweat, and values of secular leaning jews. They're quickly being outbred by the Orthodox and the country won't survive as a functional state when the main demographic is Taliban tier people who just read the Torah all day.


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those secular jews are having modern day sodom in Israel! also we arent even supposed to get Israel until the Moshiach comes

Based on what?

it's true
the hasids are funny in their own way too
109% into their religious BS
no ones perfect but for in group dynamics they do a good job of being insular

you know Ultra Orthodox Jews only live in Brooklyn, yes?

so I ask Zig Forums

would you rather have an Israel who understands western civilization and who you can work with, or an Israel that will probably get overrun by Arabs or Turks again due to incompetence and mismanagement of the coming theocracy

cool, maybe you can go be their shabbos goy bottom bitch on saturdays

Im jewish plus shabbos goyim arent accepted by the satmar sect

are you an anti zionist?


The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews, user.; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good.

sorry abbie!
you've already lost
if your on Pol you know the maths don't lie
multiply 2x9x9x9x9 and tell me what you get that's the most fertile orthodox sect in
then multiply 2x1.6x1.6x1.6x1.
Typical zionist couple

the greater Israel project is done
put a fork in it
Hasids won't join the army
your Done
have some lox on your bagel it will make you feel better

of course only a Jew would destroy the jews MUHSHSHA HAHAHAHA

I know you have your theological reasons but do you agree that's extremely cucked on your part?

well they do hate women a much as you guys, although probably 1/4 of this board is jewish anyways

um no? other then the theological reasons, muslims now hate us even though we were the best of friends before Israel. Now we have faggots in the holy land because of Israel, etc. Israel caused destruction to the Jews

>aren't jews based guys?!?! Plz don't exterminate