I guarantee that it will soon be mandatory to inject rabbinical precum into your body to be employable. What will we do when that day comes?
How have normies handled your skepticism toward corrupted your DNA with an untested vaccine every six or so months??
Vaccine Refusers 2
>How have normies handled your skepticism toward corrupted your DNA with an untested vaccine
About to find out today when I start telling everyone I know to not take that shit.
You know this "vaccine" is only said to "protect you" from the "coronavirus" for about 30 days right ?
You gonna let them genetically alter you for a 30 day break from a fake and gay supposed virus that you have a 99.96 % chance of fighting on your own?
I really don't know and I am blackpilled about the situation. The politicians have taken more power than democracy has given them.
>durr mandatory
I know you’re a useless baiting faggot but I’ll say it again, you can’t force people because it’s a..
And I'm sure those "rights" will never ever be infringed
It's for safety, just like Drunk driving laws, you don't need a victim.
Just being unsafe can land you in jail, lose your licenses, fines and mandated pogroms.
If you support pre-crime victimless safety laws and enforcement you should have no problem with taking this vaccine for safety either.
Let's hope they start enforcing it and masks it's safer that way,
The state knows best right?
Or is that only when the overreach doesn't affect you?
Nice defeatist attitude, not while I’m alive no.
Baiting? They're necessitating that we take an untested vaccine. Doesn't that sound a little bit strange to you? Is there a gas leak in here or something?
"It's for safety."
How about you do a longitudinal study on the effects of the vaccine "for safety"? .
You can't use the entire fucking world as guinea pigs. We don't accept it. We demand safeguards, deeper study, and legal recourse should our ((friends)) at big pharma pull a whoopsie.
LOL at thinking highfalutin concepts like HRVs can't be circumnavigated by avaricious sociopaths. Wanna fly? Papers please. Wanna shop? Papers please. Wanna go to school? Papers please. Don't be dense, user.
I’m a fireman in a major urban area, I work with at least half coworkers being black, we are a very large department and out of all of us 2 say they will take the vaccine and they are very liberal whites, I’ve had to remind a couple blacks about the Tuskegee study but most where already against it, they keep saying we will be among the first to get it, supposedly the government is sending nat guard next week to inject us so we will see who stands their ground, and also if I still have a job, I love my job but I made more doing construction anyways, I will go back to it if I have to, I’m not taking the shot
Sorry, it's absolutely nessassary for every person. Walmart will be distributing the vaccine as 90% of all americans live within 10 miles of a Walmart.
Neo-Dreyfus Affair nigger, please go.
>hurr wanna fly?
Nope, I live in a nice country
>durr shop?
Yawn...you’re boring kid...
Let's just meet up and start marching. I'm near NYC. The lockdowns are superlatively gay, but altering our DNA with a mystery serum? That's abuse. "DO WHAT WE SAY OR SUFFER! SEE, YOU MADE US DO IT!" The state is acting like an abusive partner. This is textbook abuse.
Forge medical documents and start a "catch me if you can" like career.
Or become an unemployable NEET
i'll live under a bridge and eat out of food banks before i'll take it. and i will kill anyone who tries to rape me with it. f'n try me lizards
That worked for my sister and shut them right the fuck up.
>but you're gonna be killing grandma
Yeah I already took it, no problem we’re all in this together right? ;^)
Nobody is going to be allowed to not work in our new Jewish century in the post-great reset era.
No, it's just for you. Take the vaccine, and you can be sure you'll never get sick. Even if I get sick. Right?
You're being intentionally dense. You know that the laundry list of shit you can and can't do regarding your vax status will continue to grow. Hell, look at where we are now in comparison with a year ago. You think shits going to get better? Your lassitude and permissiveness is not a virute, leaf.
Your mistake is that you think I have an ego you can use to degrade the conversation into a lunchroom food fight.
I'll start live streaming and use my donations to buy crypto.
i'll die before i ever work or take a vaccine.
Maybe grandma should work harder at not being so easy to kill.
No way. Grandma's in a nursing home and has already had it.
Right, but what form that work will take (and how you spend your precious few hours in between shits) WILL be affected.
>hurr laundry list
YAWN....time to shut up now child. Last (you) for your shit /thread.
I know how to hunt and start a fire. No fucks given.
Shut the fuck up leaf, you don't get to talk about "muh rights" and "muh revolution" when you have Trudeau's cum leaking from your ass
/choose word
/put HURR DURR by it
/Rub hands together.
The bots are ineffective today.
i'm moving to florida. i'm gona have my redneck cousin teach me how to be a man. my kike dad never taught me anything
And what happens when you get sick? Or when you run out of stocks, and you can't buy anything?
We need a community, guys. We need to start getting together and ironing this shit out because it's only going to get worse on its own.