The benefits of being a leftist:
>women agree with you
>women respect you
>unimaginable amount of sex
>fighting for something worthwhile
>feared by racists at the bottom and the top
>can go to bed every night knowing you’re a decent human being
>can rest easy knowing you made the world that little bit better for the less fortunate
The benefits of being a leftist:
>requires anti-scientific blank slate view on human biodiversity
>feels gud tho
So it’s a cult/religion basically?
>women will most likely cheat on you
>they'll figure out how weak emotionally you are
>you're a bitch nigga.
>no one is afraid of you
>you constantly get pandered to, only so they can exploit you
in other words, leftists are pathetic simps for pussy and utterly desperate to feel good about themselves and a part of something
>>unimaginable amount of sex
Yes your """intimacy partner""" does get lots of sex while you listen and masturbate in the next room over
Why would I take advice by some chink dicklet that doesn't even know what a vagina is?
Lol that's a man.
user, I'm really sorry about you and your father /:
But you will never be a woman.
>women agree with you
So you basically admitting of having the mentality of a bitch
benefits of being a conservative
1. women despise you because you are superior and yet still drop their panties when you pull up in your 73 wagoneer on 44" TSL super stampers with the MAGA sticker on the rear window.
2. ANTIFA cucks cower in fear anytime you sneeze.
3. Melanin Monkeys despise you because you are educated and employed.. something so very simple that they struggle to achieve.
3. The police respect you because you provide and contribute to society.
oh and we can say "nigger" because let's be real.. you aint about to stop me whatsoever with your spaghetti noodle ass limbs hahahahaha
>women respect you
oh. and we have jobs
>unimaginable amount of sex
Laying starfish on a bed and spreading your legs isn't worth it. This is "sex" for leftists.
>the president has your back
There's no saving you if you believe this. Yikes.
>women agree with you
>women respect you
I have trashed more liberal puss than a drunken stepfather, all while being an unapologetic right-wing male. Strong horse vs weak horse etc etc.
>women respect you
>"woman" agree with you
> "woman" repsect you
> fucks trannys, totally not a biggot
> thinks everyone is racist, except yourself
> delusional believed you's a gud boi that does no wrong
> does wrong with a clean conscious due to christ complex
> fucks trannys totally not a biggot
That's not a woman OP. It's an abomination. Kill it with fire. I look forward to killing leftists. We should be getting the greenlight shortly.
>women agree with you
Who cares what they think
>women respect you
I get enough respect already. I doubt they respect your spineless nature.
>unimaginable amount of sex
I piped down 4 chicks off of tinder last week.
>fighting for something worthwhile
When your side is supported by the media, all corporations, and the's the worthwhile side, right? #resist
>feared by racists at the bottom and the top
Racism means nothing anymore, you used it too liberally and it has lost all meaning
>can go to bed every night knowing you’re a decent human being
Why be decent when you can be extraordinary
>can rest easy knowing you made the world that little bit better for the less fortunate
Did you though? Or is that just something you tell yourselves to feel better? Sort of like the participation ribbon, isn't it?
>women agree with you
You agree with the women, they think you're a scrawney faggot but you're useful to their cause so you get to stick around.. for now
>women respect you
They don't respect you at all, they think you're weak, you're a useful simp and that's it. When they're done with you, you'll get metooed
>unimaginable amount of sex
From other soibois
>fighting for something worthwhile
Agreed, fighting for your own executions and extinction is worthwhile to everyone. The sooner you useful idiots are put against the wall or lined up along the ditch the better. You do realize that's what you're fighting for, right? Useful idiots are the first to go.
>feared by racists at the bottom and the top
Nobody fears you, they fear the state which enables you.
>can go to bed every night knowing you’re a decent human being
You toss and turn in a deep depression and you feel the anxiety in your gut.
>can rest easy knowing you made the world that little bit better for the less fortunate
But you don't, and you know it deep down that you're just a simp, which is why you're rife with mental illness and low self esteem.
She is a woman you bigot.
>She is a woman you bigot.
Sex change is biologically impossible, you anti-White.
> women agree with you
wrong. You better agree with them, or else
> women respect you
pfffaaahaha no one respects weakness and subservience
> unimaginable amount of sex
irrelevant. If anything, that's a negative. If sex were my only ambition, I'd be a bacterium. Conservatives have more children anyway
> fighting for something worthwhile
what are you fighting for, exactly? Slightly higher temperature inside Starbucks?
> feared by racists
no, they fear the institutional backing behind you. If your ideas were worth fearing, they would be accepted instead. Hanlon's razor.
> decent human being
> flag
no more needs saying. This is a slide thread anyway.
> made the world better
communists are singlehandedly responsible for making the lives per capita of their subjects more miserable than any ideology. Not even feudalism can compete with that level of economic incompetence. Or so I would say if I didn't know that only upper middle class collegetards support it, with the help of their kike overlords to create a slave labour class that they can control. Vaush, your role model, is a multimillionaire living in Beverly Hills.
having sex would be such a fucking chore
Oversocialization lol
Call me a incel or something, The left's biggest weapon is social shaming, and they get confused when it's not effective anymore.
I've unironically gotten more respect from women when I stopped respecting them.
>women respect you
You will never be a woman.
> thinking about women at all
>Caring what people say
>Being an absolute degenerate
>That's trannyclause in OPs pic
>Never will be respected by his/her elders
>Women despise you for not wanting to be a male.
Then why do you get none of those things? Arent you good enough user?
>>women agree with you
Lies right off the bat.
bruh you did 2 number 3's. ffs making us look bad out here
That's a man
Disgusting man with mental health issues.
Stopped reading right there
Extreme cope
You'll never be a woman.
Pic related - a woman. Something you are not.
What’s his name? Need to do more research
if the left supported eugenics, i would be a leftist, but you guys want everyone to be retard niggers so I have to be a fascist.
>unimaginable amount of sex
I know this is a bait thread but this made me chuckle. No feminist ally ever has seen a vagina.
>women agree with you
because you have the mind of a woman
>women respect you
nobody respects you, you don't even respect yourself
>unimaginable amount of sex
come on now, we've seen what most of you look like. you will never fuck.
>fighting for something worthwhile
literally never been in a fight
>feared by racists at the bottom and the top
written by boy who's scared of own shaddow
>can go to bed every night knowing you’re a decent human being
Jesus Cringe
>can rest easy knowing you made the world that little bit better for the less fortunate
You are the least fortunate already as your brain as has been raped into dogshit
>women respect you
LOL leftist women have no respect for themselves, just look at how they behave and don't take care of themselves.
>if the left supported eugenics
They do in a way...they support white genocide and blending all the races (except Jews) into one subhuman mutt race.
>women will respect you
pfft. no. no they wont.
>Sex isnt that hard to get
>Fighting for the decay of the US doesnt actually need advocates and will happen with or without discord trannies
>Requires you to suck yourself off 24/7 so that you dont have to actually think about political issues
>decent human being
Yes. People who burn down peoples property because of a dead criminal are super decent
Fpbp, /thread, memeflag slaughtered and didn't last even a minute.
>women respect you
Lol have you ever interacted with women?
>>unimaginable amount of sex
When scarcity declines, so does the relative value of the asset
Keep your disease ridden whores to yourself
>women agree with you
Only transexual women, leftists would never use their male privilege to shape the opinions of a oppressed female.
>women respect you
How could you shape the opinions of a oppressed social category, right?
>unimaginable amount of sex
Depends, even cuckoldry and pegging is sex. For what everyone knows, all the hard fucking is right-wing.
>fighting for something worthwhile
Neoliberal corporations. Gotta love 'em all.
>feared by racists at the bottom and the top
Racists don't fear you, neoliberals and leftists do fear racists through knowing how you people mald at every single thing we do, like recommending books since the "leftist literate" is a meme.
>can go to bed every night knowing you’re a decent human being
About what criteria?
>can rest easy knowing you made the world that little bit better for the less fortunate
The religious is more giving than the leftist who spends time talking about how whites are not "awakened proletariat".
You'll never legitimately give a woman an orgasm.
Bwaahahahahahaahah hahahaahahha ahahahaahhaah delusional bwahahahahaah insane bwaahahahah lying to yourself bwahahahaahahahah kill yourself hahahahahahahaha
>7 million people didnt starve to death in the ukraine
....decent human being...
Forgot the ebin picture.
>women agree with you
That's how you know you've made a bad decision.
have sex incel
>unimaginable amount of sex.
What do you call the useless skin around the vagina?
>the women
i am a leftist and think there's room for questioning the current scientific orthodoxy on race. but at the same time the effects of environment, culture and political factors have to be taken into account, which makes it a very difficult issue to quantify. for example, it doesn't take a statistician to see that IQ tests are flawed, as they don't measure different types of intelligence.
>Being a slave to pussy
No thanks.