Wtf is this shit?

wtf is this shit?

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Jewry talisman. Look closer at the numbers.

Just jew things.

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it's fucked, imagine the reaction if the other side had something like this for niggers? would be played on repeat for years as a smoking gun, like how they still use the charlottesville lie

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thank you! that's literally what i just said

hahah idk who the faggot this faggot is or what side/party but that looks like a little girls vision board hahahaha haha h oh my sides

it's everywhere, jesus


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>doing research for my article
>take some notes
>be the type of person who like to spatially distribute notes
>stick note on wall

or y'know, he's had that note up on his wall for literal decades and updates it every few years and laughs in a cartoonish manner to himself

>meme flag
*hide post*

>an unincorporated territory
come back when you have statehood and someone might give a shit about your opinions

One of the biggest redpills. It tells you everything you need to know about jews. Their entire existence is wrapped up in the inferiority complex they have towards whites.

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What is the smaller graph on the right ? That is key

die in a fire you evil kike

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New here?
Buckle up, user... It's gonna be a wild ride, and it never ends.

European countries by % of migrants.

non-hispanic whites means European

non hispanic whites are the only people keeping his body from being put in a CCP organ harvesting work camp. I wonder if he realizes this?
The han chinese are impossible to beat. They will not be tricked/subverted.

i guess you having that picture ready to post means you're a mass shooter. reported to the fbi.

Which one of the SPLC pedos is the one that tried to fuck his step-daughter?

this is why no one likes jews

The SPLC is the most jewed up Jew organization that exists.

>you can't trust the MSM, bro. you gotta do your own research and develop your critical thinking

do you find yourself saying things like this to your relatives at family gatherings? if so, they just want you to shut up and leave them to drink in peace.

The FBI are a den of ADL of B'nai B'rith British "intelligence" kike indoctrinated woke faggot cowards that cover up for the inernational kike militia known as antifa.
Fuck the FBI.

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Don't worry goy, the white genocide is just an alt-right fringe conspiracy theory. Now take the vaccine and wear the mask.

Old news

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you know why

Israel/Jerusalem will be the seat of the antichrist. Remember that.

It’s the yearly change in percentage. He want to show that the USA is getting blacked faster than Europe, but not as fast as certain parts of Europe. I bet this guy is a racist

based wray, taking a nuanced stance towards a complex entity. hopefully biden keeps him around.


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Kikes. Gas em.

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your fairy tales wont save you from ruthless psychopaths. You need to kill your enemy.